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Incidents of Travel in Central and South America 2010

Volcan San Pedro

GUATEMALA | Wednesday, 11 August 2010 | Views [486] | Comments [1]

One week down and one more to go in San Pedro and Spanish school. Its amazing how quickly we are learning Spanish, i was beginning to think that my brain had absorbed all it ws ever going to...the words are finally sinking in. Spanish is actually a really fun language to learn and to speak...there are many funny moments when April and I are trying to speak to each other only in Spanish. Who realy knows is we are making any sense at all, but were trying so thats the main thing.
I think i left the last blog on friday, so i´ll get you all up to date with whats been going on since then. Saturday was spent relaxing...we realy didn´t do much at all. Most of the morning we both read and then in the afternoon we went to the travel agent and organised our hike up the volcano for Sunday. One exciting thing that did happen though was that for lunch on Saturday I had the most amazing tortillas that I have ever tasted in my life!!! And I´ve had a few since i have been here in Guatemala. I have no idea what made them so great, maybe because they were straight off the hot-plate...either way the amazingness of these tortillas has made me want to try to learn how to make them. Its a bit hard to describe here, but basically you have a small ball of dough and you form it in your hands from one to the other kind os like you're making a ball...ok that didn't make much sense, i guess you have to see it first hand. 
On Sunday at 6am we had to meet for our volcano climb. It was me, April, Alica (a medical student from the US who is staying at the same house as April), and Rebecca (a medical student fromt he UK). The walk to the gate of the national park took about 30 minutes and then we left the road and headed up the mountain. Pretty much from the start it was an up hill battle...literally. For April is seemed pretty easy...she is super fit after all. But for me it was a little difficult. By the third hour my legs were killing me and just didnt want to move anymore, its like they had a mind of their own. The worst thing was it got steeper the closer we got to the top. But it was totally worth it! The view was amazing and it felt really good to know we'd just climbed a volcano! The walk down was a bit easier, but still a struggle, but it was nothing compared to the next few days, where my legs felt like they weighed a million tonnes! Well thats possibly an over-reaction...but they still hurt today. All in all, it was a wonderful experience; check out the photos to see the view for yourself.
Monday and Tuesday were a little difficult in Spanish class...it seems our brains turned off over the weekend. We only have this week left to learn so hopefully things get a little easier in the coming days. Ok thats all for now...make sure you all check out the photos and comment if you like...I would love to know who is reading this!!
Catherine and April xx




Cath, these photos are spectacular. Extremely proud of you and April. Keep discovering new experiences.

  Sue Vermeltfoort Aug 11, 2010 4:25 PM

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