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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "literature".

Revenge of the Projects

JAPAN | Tuesday, 24 May 2016 | Views [479]

I haven't mentioned it in a while, so I bet you forgot about the projects that we had to do for class, didn't you? Yeah, me too… A few weeks ago, there had been a takoyaki party at CET, with a lot of roommates and CET+ plus Japanese people ... Read more >

Tags: authors, japanese, literature, projects, survey

What Day is It?

JAPAN | Thursday, 10 Mar 2016 | Views [516]

One of Suzuki-sensei’s favorite starts to the class is asking “what is today’s date? What day is today?” The first is a straightforward question, the second is a question that only she knows the answer to. Usually it’s ... Read more >

Tags: akutagawa, chopin, dates, japanese, literature, music, numbers

When in Japan, Avoid Clipboards

JAPAN | Wednesday, 24 Feb 2016 | Views [256]

After two hours of class on Wednesday, were were set loose on the world to work on our project. Since we're in the data collection stage, this meant finding willing volunteers (read: gullible victims) and giving them a survey and interview. So Dan and ... Read more >

Tags: literature, proejct, survey

Please give the titles and authors of five books.

JAPAN | Thursday, 18 Feb 2016 | Views [348]

A semi-significant part of Japanese class has been working on our projects. I’ve been ignoring that on the blog for the main reason that I’ve been doing ignoring it whenever possible. On Wednesday, that ceased to be possible. So here’... Read more >

Tags: interview, japanese, literature, project, survey

My favorite author is Milan Kundera. No, Kazuo Ishiguro! No, Milan Kundera!

JAPAN | Wednesday, 10 Feb 2016 | Views [536]

On Thursday, we had a kanji test. Now, here’s the thing that’s probably going to screw me over in another few weeks: I have not yet had to study for any of the grammar, kanji, or vocabulary quizzes. I have opened up a book, glanced through ... Read more >

Tags: hats, japanese, kundera, literature, photos, studying, suicide

School then Work and then Life

MOROCCO | Thursday, 12 Jun 2014 | Views [338]

During breakfast Monday morning, someone made the comment that she was excited for classes to start. By the end of the day, I certainly agreed. My host family and Rabat were both so unfamiliar, I wanted something that I could understand again. And ... Read more >

Tags: arabic, literature, school

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