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Life is a Trip

wonderful Samoa...

SAMOA | Saturday, 3 July 2010 | Views [688]

It's been a while since I don't write... and part of the reason was being in remote Samoa... but Samoa deserves some writting as much, or more, as anywhere else...

While you are working, you can get into routine mode after a while, and you may not like that... then you go on holidays and you like it a lot... but actually, you enjoy the holidays a lot because of all the time you had worked before...

In a way, being in Samoa was also holidays for me... it was holidays from my trip... because the trip itself doesn't feel any longer as holidays... the trip is now my day to day life, I got used to travel as much as others get used to work... I have both good times and less good times... just like everyone else... and I try to enjoy what I do, just as everyone should do... but Samoa was different.

Samoa was different in many ways... completely different culture and people... atonishing landscapes... and the most important thing, I had the time to enjoy it all... the time to do nothing... the time to just be aware of the wonderful place I was visiting...

In my guidebook, it says that "samoans have still the time to be friendly..." and it's true!... While you walk on the street, or pass by people's homes (which in the villages many are open, without walls), they smile and say hello to you... and usually their smile makes you smile too... it's contagious, and it feels good!... It reminded me a very true phrase from Thich Nhat Hanh... "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy"... Being in Samoa you have a lot of chances to smile.... but you need a relaxed schedule to absorb it... and I was so glad I planned 2 weeks there...

Many great moments in Samoa... but probably the pictures can explain it better than me...



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