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Crikey! Jamie's gone down under!


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 13 December 2010 | Views [843] | Comments [6]

Still here in Tolga, doing my fruit picking. I managed to get away from the series of grumpy farmers and have a day off in Atherton, where Gareth (a kiwi who is here as well) and I spent the day just relaxing away from the hostel. There's not much to do at the hostel, so the day was spent gambling on the horses and dogs! We never put major bets on, only a dollar here and there, and after a few good wins and a few losses, and a lucky 7 dollar win on a poker machine in a pub, I was only 3 dollars down for the day, which I didn't mind, because I had a good time.

The next day, I was working again, this time packing potatoes in the shed (so I was out of the sun) for a good farm that don't treat you like dirt, and I've spent the last 5 days there. To give you an idea of what I was doing, I was sorting potatoes for the most part, taking the bigger potatoes out of the small channel, and if you've ever seen Men In Black 2, imagine the alien in the post office sorting the mail, and I was pretty much like that!! Arms flailing around all day long! It's boring stuff, but the fact that the farmers are nice people made it bearable. I finished up there today, but they want me and another guy back on Wednesday to start picking some dragonfruit, which is pretty cool.

On Saturday night, the 3 of us went to the pub with a few girls from the hostel, and almost got in a fight! It was pretty funny, this Aussie who was no more than 20 was really drunk and was dancing with one of the girls, who then started dancing with us as well, and the guy seemed to think that made her a slut! So he started mouthing off to her, and when the boys stepped in, it was clear he wanted a fight, but Trevor went over to the barman, and got the guy thrown out. He hung around for a bit staring at us through the window, but ended up getting bored and going away. It was quite funny, cos the guy was about 5'8" and fairly slender, and his cousin, a bit older and a bit stockier was even shorter, and they were looking for a fight with a 6' glaswegian, a 6'2" martial artist, and a 6'4" kickboxer! Who the hell did he think was going to win that one?!

I've been rostered on for watermelon picking tomorrow, which is apparently quite hard work, and not many hours, but I'm quite pleased with that cos I wouldn't have minded a day off anyway. Then I'm back to the good farm ( I forgot to mention, the farmers wife made us lasagne and pie for lunch today, completely free, and delicious as well!) for at least a day, possibly more.

We're leaving the hostel on Christmas Eve, spending christmas day in Cairns, and then going to Cape Tribulation (rainforest) on the 27th and on to Magnetic Island for new year, where there is a thing called a full moon party which should be good fun! Hopefully meeting up with Helen and Laura (girls from our Ozintro group) for new year as well, so it will be good to see them. They are having a pretty miserable time of it at the moment though, they've got work fruit picking as well, but the farmer is a bit of a pervert and they don't really have much choice about where to go. Helen even wants to go home as a result, which is a shame, but hopefully they'll pick up a bit when among friends.

I'll sign off now, but keep letting me know what you're up to, some of you haven't even posted once!! You know who you are! I want to hear from you! Byeee! xxx



6' glaswegian, a 6'2" martial artist, and a 6'4" kickboxer!
Which one are you ?
also where abouts are you in australia and are you gonna be affected by the will willies ?

  joe Dec 14, 2010 4:11 AM


Hi Jamie, I've just managed to catch up on your blog - wow you've done so much already! The Sky diving is the thing I am most jealous of - yes even an old bag like me quite fancies a daredevil activity like that :o Really sorry you missed Maddy's 18th - your Mum and I (obviously more me than your Mum) were a complete embarrassment to our children. Yvette & Rhianna wouldn't let your Mum dance unless it was with me - bad choice! Well Jamie well done on making the most of everything - even the fruit picking! Hope Christmas goes OK and that New Year is an absolute blast! Hope the moon is perfect. :) Lots of love Sheena xxxx

  Sheena Dec 20, 2010 8:15 PM


I am soooooo sorry for the lack of comments! I have only just had a proper amount of time to catch up of them as I am now home for christmas yay!
The last few weeks of term have been so so busy, just going out and had about a MILLION deadlines!
We all met up at the crown yeasterday which was so nice cos we got to see everyone together again. And claire's back! YAY! So it was really really nice to see her and hear her stories. I also caught up on you from chippy, ange and katy! It sounds like you are having SUCH a good time, it sounds like a completely different world to me at the moment!
Are you getting a tan or just going red? Don't lie, tell the truth. I'll know from pics.
The fruit picking sounds teeeedious! But i bet you when you get home, you'll love thinking about it and the experience. You can tell your little babies that you picked lychees and watermelons in Oz!!! Btw how does one go about picking watermelons?! From trees???
Zack has gone off skiing for christmas but he enjoyed hearing about some of your little escapades as the pub. I will be the dutiful girlfriend and say happy christmas from him too!!!
I gather from this entry that you have been partying with the laydeeeees! I WANT to hear about it ALL very very soon Jamie! It is your duty to tell me as the gossiper and coolest of the group.
I hope you have the best christmas ever and I will be thinking of you down under,
lots of love and kisses,
El xxxxxx

  El Dec 25, 2010 6:54 AM


hey jamie boy great to hear from you, all that fruit picking and NO BEER! lol haha if i were you i would drink some beer. i recently got my head shaved whilst drunk on beer. anyway your not missing much at home just pat morris doing some jokes pranks and the usual girls drunk on beer comment me back on facebook some time

  ollie g Mar 8, 2011 3:03 AM


p.s you almost got in a fight haha if i were there i would of punched something! it makes me angry right now that someone would pick a fight with you after everything uve been through (sex change)..... haha only kidding ya still got ya crown jewels down under. funniest thing happened yesterday a bird flew into my bedroom window haha it almost died but i nursed it back to health with fresh corn and warm milk. Hey in the summer im going to go to devon should be fun im gonna bring 400 cans of guess what... beer! anyway chirpey (my birds name) is getting aggitated better take it out for a walk see ya good luck with ya travels

  ollie g Mar 8, 2011 3:09 AM


p.s helen and laura sound like foxy chicks you should try base four them.. just saying ;)

  ollie g Mar 8, 2011 3:10 AM

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