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Where's Jonny? Care to dine with me? You would think that 11 years of daily food tasting for a living might put me off?......au contraire! Chomp away with me across 6 continents. Seduced like a bloodhound to the scent of good food, I anticipate the misty waft of steaming broths, the satisfying crunch of mudbugs and the vibrant aroma of freshly pulverised lemongrass. Buon appetito

Fasten your seatbelts

SINGAPORE | Friday, 18 May 2007 | Views [1179]

There were many sad Vietnamese girls in Saigon this morning when they heard I was leaving, but like Californias governor, "I'll be back!"  Vietnam has been my favourite country so far.  Its culturally rich with amazing people, phenominal girls, dramatic landscapes and of course TREMENDOUS food.  I would have stayed longer if the bloody Malaria pills had not run out!  Here in Singapore I will need to see a doctor before he'll prescribe me more Malerone.

Those who know me are aware I HATE flying (in fact, I'm not that fond of travelling) so all my flights, with the exception of a few internals are business class.  Some of my mates thought I was wasting money when I did this but, in the words of Lisa Stansfield, "I wouldn't change a single thing." 

It takes some of the stress out of the whole airport, plane procedure.  My bags are checked in early and come off the conveyor first at the other end with a big "PRIORITY" sticker,  I have a place to shower, eat, drink or use the internet.  Most importantly, I can get ratted on the flight which knocks me out especially during turbulent spells.  Oh and on the long haul ones I get a flat bed and decent entertainment.    

Todays flight was with Vietnam Airways and I managed to purchase a business class ticket for 100 dollars cheaper than an ECONOMY flight with Singapore airways.

However, I was sat quietly in the business lounge this morning trying to stay calm when a man sat next to me clutching a bowl and chopsticks.  As I typed e-mails and sipped orange juice the LOUDEST NOODLE SLURPER in Saigon made himself known.  Everytime my fingers touched the keyboard SSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPP! and the bugger went and got another bowl full just to annoy me.

On board, the meal (three choices) was fresh and well cooked.  I ate tender freshwater fish with zepher-cut vegetables and rice vermicelli. 

Whilst sipping a very decent oaky wine (unusual for Asia) a well spoken English lady came over the tannoy.  I listened intently, expecting her to inform us where the exits were located in the event of a crash.  "This is your Captain speaking," went the voice.   "Bloody Hell," if driving cars was any benchmark we were all going to die!!!!!!!  I curled into the brace position and waited......(Only joking girls) - she was superb and carefully avoided all those tropical clouds that make me so nervous.  Girl power!!! 

Anyway, first impressions of Singapore are that its an, "East meets West" city (just like Hong Kong)-  its safe and well developed compared with other countries I have visited.  I reckon its ideal for westerners starting out.  (yes thats all you nervous gap year people) I am in Little India at the moment which is essentially like stepping into a Bombay food market.  Lots of curry wafts and piles of vegetables that no westerner would have a clue how to cook.  I love it.  

I did stop at a Lonley Planet recommended hostel called the "Inn Crowd." on Dunlop Street.  Lovely staff, but the hostel dorm culture is not one I belong in!  The rooms were like big Goldfish bowls with clear glass on all sides.  They had one top bunk in a room of around 12 people (I assume they were all men in there, otherwise I'm going back!!)

You see, I have found my perfect accommodation in Singapore.  Its a place called Raffles and its soooooo me. 

All my life I have waited to don my cravatte, monocle and smoking jacket and retire to the vestibule.

Tags: planes trains & automobiles



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