Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe
ZIMBABWE | Sunday, 31 May 2009 | Views [554] | Comments [1]
Started Vic Falls on the Zambian side. Plenty of activities, but I couldn't afford them all. I did the microlight over the falls. It was a fifteen minute ride but worth it. The pilot did two loops over the falls, down through the rising mists, and then over the adjacent game park to point out elephants and hippo. I also did the booze cruise with a couple kiwis I met at the hostel. It was a three hour boat ride on the Zambezi River, with an open bar. I didn't know I could drink that much beer in a short period. Thankfully I didn't try to go for a swim or hug a hippo. In Zimbabwe, I did the Lion Walk. It a lion preserve that raises lions to be introduced into the wild once they've grown up. You get to walk around with them and pet them if they let you. That was probably one of my favorite activities I've done in Africa so far. Beautiful animals, and massive once you see them up close. And they taste delicous as steaks or burgers. Kidding about the last part. I'm in Bulawayo now, enroute to Francistown, Bostwana. Vic Falls in Zimbabwe may have appeared to be running at normal without any economical crises apparent. But there are no tourists here in Bulawayo, and it's obvious this country is in big trouble. Wide open boulevards, but little to no cars, and 90% of the shops are closed and boarded up. There's very little public transport so touring the outskirts of the country I think is out of the question right now. There is a train going to Bostwana tomorrow that I'll be on. I like the country, but I can't do anything because of what's going on. Too bad, the people are really friendly, and despite the problems it's very safe.
Tags: bulawayo, livingstone, victoria falls, zambia, zimbabwe