One thing I've noticed is that Manila never stops, never slows down, and that goes for its people too...I wonder if I need a vacation from vacation. On Sunday, Dr. Jimmy took us out to Lake Taal, a famous volcano/lake/volcano lake for a little respite from the city. Check out the beauty. On the rides to and fro we got the extra large scoop on Filipino politics. He has an amazing amount of energy, and we were extraordinarily lucky to have him as our tour guide. He's a former Minister of Health, professor, has radio & tv shows, swims everyday, answers text messages simultaneously with conversing. Just thinking about how he does it makes me tired, (and the tricycle rush hr starts outside our house at 6 am every weekday).
Last night we sampled McDonalds, the 2nd most popular fastfood to Jollibee. I had Value Meal C, which has McSpaghetti & McChicken Wing, both unavailable in the US. Not half bad...still gotta try banana ketchup and real street food (shrimp balls & bananacue). So far so good!! We're now almost adjusted to a regular sleep schedule. Check back soon!