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I love my life! Taking my time, soaking in the sights and always taking the road less traveled.


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "visa".


CANADA | Sunday, 10 Jun 2012 | Views [1994]

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't apprehensive about my position as a camp counsellor this Summer. Thinking about it, and now writing it creates an unpleasant sensation in my tummy. What has happened? I had better rewind and catch up on the past ... Read more >

Tags: bubbles, nude cyclists, pool, sooke pot holes, summer camp, visa, wine, work

Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate

CANADA | Tuesday, 13 Mar 2012 | Views [1472] | Comments [1]

Today is a significant day. Today marks 2 weeks since I haven't had a meal made by my mum. In other words, I left 2 weeks ago today!! So to all those who said I wouldn't last a week, I doubled your expectations! (wow that was hard to work out..).... Read more >

Tags: cold, gym, healthy, run, snow, truman show, visa

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