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hippy trippin


USA | Tuesday, 15 May 2007 | Views [508]

So---I'm sitting on an airplane in London, waiting to being the first leg of my trip home. Still at peace. Still excited to be coming home. Not ONE feeling of loss for leaving Paris--wow. No regrets--no "I wish I had done this or that". Just one big fat inner smile and inner peace that I have completely latched onto and want to ride like a giant wave and when/if the time comes that I fall off--I will remember how good it felt and I'll get back on.

My mind just briefly goes back to my initial experiences on this trip--the difficulties getting to the airport on time, the issue with my passport, etc. and then the litany of issues with work that transpired afer that and the good memories that were interwoven into it all, like:

Staying up all night on my flight to London writing my ass off

The London rain and my shoes

The luggage issues at the train station and pulling it up and down those stairways that wouldn't end.

Finding out that my Paris train would be late and the ticket would cost 5 times what I thought it would.

Getting to Paris after 48 hours of no sleep and seeing the city for the first time with very very sleepy but excited eyes.

My first Parisian orange juice

My first walk through the Park Montsouri

My first time in the subway and how it smelled

MY first day in Paris stopping to have breakfast at that little restaurant

Walking through the park and meeting those two 'big dicks' and realizing that everyone on earth is NOT my friend. And that's ok.

My first shower in two days!

The beginning of the Slattery issues and the knowledge that I didn't have enough money for the rest of the trip. Then realizing I didn't need it anyway.

The unexpected trip to Charlotte's family's house--definitely a highlight!

Charlotte's constant hospitality

The day she and I went to Brugge to be tourist and instead wanted to hurry home to spend more time with her family

Little Louie and Lucy and watching the interaction between her family

The architecture of Brussels

The food at Charlotte's house

Charlotte's mom

Sleeping in a bedroom by myself at Charlotte's house

Leaving Brussels and my "hole in the stomach" feeling

The train ride home from Brussels and flirting with that model all the way and then not caring enough to contact him after getting his number.

Seeing Baron smile

The 1st night in the Irish Pub with Charlotte, Dan and Renaud

Getting so drunk there that I peed in a street (!) and then threw up on another one (that was also the LAST night that I got drunk in Paris!)

Getting up the next day and "walking it off" on the streets of Paris

Meeting Dija

The Smashing Pumpkins concert--wow

The Linkin Park concert--WOW!

The day that I didnt feel like "being"

Pushing myself OUT that day

The installation at the Royal Palace--which I think was the first day I started to really connect with Me.

Being sad that morning and by afternoon having pushed myself mentally past it to the point of laughing all the way home in the rain.

The numerous subway experiences

The black guy dancing to the music in his head on the subway

The couple in love on the subway

Seeing that old man that is always sitting at the Denfert Rouchereau stop and the feeling of intense 'love' energy toward him every time I walked past him.

Learning how to enter and exit the subway station

The initial feeling of being a bit scared of it and then how it became 'second nature' to me within the first week

My first grocery shopping experience and realizing about 3 blocks into 13 that I had bought too much to carry the whole way home, but doing it anyway

Losing my camera, then finding it

Losing my bag and retrieving it

Writing, writing and more writing and finding how much I like reading it afterwards

The food

The food

The food

The apricot tarts

The Catacombs

The fountains

Hitting on a gay guy and the look on his face when he had to tell me he was gay

The kisses "hello"

Learning how to put a few French sentences together

Getting woken up in the morning by Charlotte's roommate's whistleing

Charlotte's neighbor's classic violining


Not bring afraid to go into ANY part of the City alone

Tackling the issues at home and not allowing them to tackle me

Realizing that my feelings about Eva were always correct

Realizing how correct my feelings always are

Learning patience with myself

Learning to detach "me" from my thoughts

The Synchronicity that seemed to follow me everywhere

The realization that every single thing that happens to me is exactly what needs to happen to me in that moment. Then realizing how much fear that takes out of things in life.


The day at Versailles

The row boat

My video

Meeting Henry in the Park and the 4 hour conversation that came afterward

Musee d'Orsay

The photos

The day/night at the Eiffel

The videos from that day

Not 'needing' to to see everything

Letting Charlotte and Modesto take photos with my camera and seeing the perspective of things through someone else's lens

Pere LaChaise and the realization that the "expected" are almost always disappointments and the unexpected surprises in Life are always the BEST!

Not being afraid

and...Growing my wings back..wow

Tags: On the Road



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