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2inspire...and Binspired In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take

Trip: Community Volunteering in Moshi

There are [13] stories from my trip: Community Volunteering in Moshi

A bit of fear creeps in. Can I do this?

USA | Monday, 28 May 2012 | Views [833] | Comments [3]

Back at home having a lazy memorial day weekend, the smell of firewood from the barbecues in the air… I can't help but think of my Tanzanian friends. What they might be doing today on a Sunday. And that they will be going to school tomorrow, teaching, ... Read more >

Tags: fear, fundraising, volunteering

home sweet home

USA | Monday, 21 May 2012 | Views [557] | Comments [3]

So that's it. I'm back. My Tanzanian adventure is over. Or...has it only begun? I learned so much and as hot and dirty as it was, I was starting to get used to it at the end. I was just starting to settle into the lifestyle, the slow pace, communicating ... Read more >

last day with the kids :(

USA | Saturday, 19 May 2012 | Views [637]

Exhausted, sick, and sad...I watched Neema lead the kids through some songs for us. I took some photos and more video. As she was leading them through a goodbye song, she stopped and burst into tears. Sobbing tears. Which of course made me cry ... Read more >

fun in the sun!

USA | Friday, 18 May 2012 | Views [468]

Thursday was a good day! I would say, just about perfect. I taught class in the morning, getting my dose of kiddie hugs and fighting over hand holding...and then we took a well deserved break and snuck off to the hot springs. We were going out to some ... Read more >

working the numbers

USA | Thursday, 17 May 2012 | Views [400]

I got to teach my own class today, alone. Neema had the younger kids in one room and I had the 6 year olds in the other. We first did drawing with the new books. This is the first time I've seen them draw- up to this point it's been math and spelling.... Read more >

Things I take for granted

USA | Wednesday, 16 May 2012 | Views [533] | Comments [3]

I bought a Bible for Neema today. We were shopping in town for some more supplies for the kids and I saw her looking at the Bibles. I asked her if she wanted one and her face lit up. I told her to choose whichever one she wanted and she ended up taking ... Read more >

alone for the weekend

TANZANIA | Sunday, 13 May 2012 | Views [1546] | Comments [10]

You know, sleeping under a mosquito net is quite cozy. The way my legs look, I wish I walked under a mosquito net! They really love the taste of my mzungu blood. I'm alone for the weekend. The other volunteers have their 3 day safari planned so I said ... Read more >

Tags: arusha, children, safari, volunteering

so much need....

USA | Friday, 11 May 2012 | Views [628] | Comments [3]

On Monday we walked to one of our volunteer locations. First stop was a government run school that had a special needs program, nursery and primary schools. The special needs children were so precious and not unlike our own special needs kids in the ... Read more >

the kids

USA | Thursday, 10 May 2012 | Views [657] | Comments [2]

I only have a few moments to write, but I have to tell you....these kids are so adorable. It will be hard leaving them after two weeks! "teacha! teacha!" I hear all day long. I'm so glad I brought the stickers and especially the beach balls! ... Read more >

Photos: Moshi, Tanzania

TANZANIA | Wednesday, 9 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

See all 42 photos >>

Adventures in moshiland-Day 1

USA | Sunday, 6 May 2012 | Views [556] | Comments [2]

Sunday is a very casual day here in Moshi. I didn't sleep well- uncomfortable bunk, new roommates, strange sounds. So I got up early and had breakfast at 7:30. The cook, Hdije, makes a mean omelette FILLED with onions haha...Man, I don't like onions.... Read more >

Only three days in, and feels like a month. Arriving.

USA | Saturday, 5 May 2012 | Views [508] | Comments [1]

Bah! That was the longest flight of my life. Luckily it was smooth...but I had a short moment of panic since there was only a 50 min layover in Amsterdam and our plane had a late take-off from LAX.  Made up time in the air though and walked right onto ... Read more >

Master packer

USA | Monday, 30 Apr 2012 | Views [622] | Comments [4]

In less than a week I will be in Tanzania, settling into my bunk bed, meeting other fellow travelers (or maybe I'll be a solo volunteer?), taking a deep breathe of Mt. Kilimanjaro air. I arrive Saturday evening after 19 hours of travel time. Let's hope ... Read more >

Tags: packing, travel light