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2inspire...and Binspired In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take


There are [55] photos and [5] stories about Tanzania

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Adventures into Moshi town

Wednesday, 11 Sep 2013 | Views [573] | Comments [4]

Where oh where is my benadryl anti-itch spray??? The mosquitos are incredibly sneaky little buggers and thankfully they’ve only discovered my feet. But I had purchased some spray, so I was prepared! If only I could find it… I was supposed ... Read more >

It's perfect.

Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013 | Views [613] | Comments [4]

There is something quite comforting about sleeping under a mosquito net. I almost want to have one on my bed back home, even though I might see one mosquito a year. My cats would have a time of getting all tangled in it though, so probably not a good ... Read more >

Tags: education, nonprofit, volunteering

Photos: Moshi 2013

Monday, 9 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

My second trip. A new story.
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alone for the weekend

Sunday, 13 May 2012 | Views [1538] | Comments [10]

You know, sleeping under a mosquito net is quite cozy. The way my legs look, I wish I walked under a mosquito net! They really love the taste of my mzungu blood. I'm alone for the weekend. The other volunteers have their 3 day safari planned so I said ... Read more >

Tags: arusha, children, safari, volunteering

Photos: Moshi, Tanzania

Wednesday, 9 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

See all 42 photos >>



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