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My new life begins at LAX a journal of my 3 months living and working in Phnom Penh, and beyond.

Update: Bored at work

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 3 Mar 2009 | Views [913]

I haven't done much blogging since I have been in Korea. There are a few reasons for this. One reason is I came here to work and save money, and blogs about working just aren't that interesting.   Another reason is that I don't have the internet at ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Thursday, 12 Feb 2009 | Views [1151]

Normal 0 0 2 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-... Read more >

Camp Life

CAMBODIA | Monday, 19 Jan 2009 | Views [1096] | Comments [1]

The day after I arrived in Seoul, I found a 2 week job working an English Camp. I was stoked, I had never worked at an English Camp but it sounded fun. It is basically a camp that parents send their kids to during Winter or Summer vacation. The camp ... Read more >

Korea First Impressions

SOUTH KOREA | Sunday, 4 Jan 2009 | Views [1313] | Comments [2]

My first full day in Korea was New Year Eve and it was a pretty awesome one. The first thing I had to do was go to a job interview. I was a little worried about what would happen if I didn’t get the job, but it was all invain, because after ten minutes ... Read more >

My quick trip to America

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 1 Jan 2009 | Views [1803] | Comments [2]

12.29.08 Somewhere over the Pacific. Authors Note: This is probably the most boring blog ever. Basically it is just a giant list of things I did with very little reflection. But I felt I have done so much since my last post that I needed to put this ... Read more >

Tags: america, cambodia, flight, korea

Back in PP

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 16 Dec 2008 | Views [740]

On my return trip from Siem Reap I wanted to take one of the overstuffed local vans I described in my Tour de Cambodge blog, just for the story but Kate from the Hash had an extra free bus ticket, and I couldn’t justify turning in down. I had to pay ... Read more >

Siam Reap 13.1

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 14 Dec 2008 | Views [1161]

I had a day to rest before the half marathon, but my legs were still sore from my cycling when the starting gun was fired. I recited my mantra “pain is temporary, pride is forever” and ran like the wind (on a slightly breezy day). My training was screwed ... Read more >

Tags: 13.1, cambodia, half marathong, hash, running, siem reap

Tour de Cambodge

CAMBODIA | Friday, 12 Dec 2008 | Views [1073]

After finishing my TEFL class the only obligation I had in Cambodia was running the Siem Reap Half Marathon on December 7 th , which I had registered for several months ago. The race was about a week after my class finished and since I really had nothing ... Read more >

Tags: cycling

Hash Name

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 2 Dec 2008 | Views [1643]

I have mention the Hash House Harriers in quite a few of my blogs. I have spent most Sundays afternoons on hash runs in various outskirts of Phnom Penh. It's quite a bit of fun and I would reccomend it to anyone anywhere. On Sunday it was the last run ... Read more >

Tags: cambodia, hash

The boys are in town

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 26 Nov 2008 | Views [1413]

Since getting back to Phnom Penh a lot has happened. The biggest thing was that I bought a one way plane ticket to LA. I decided that I would go home for the holidays. I will be leaving Phnom Penh in less than a month and I am already bummed that I ... Read more >

Phnom Sweet Penh

CAMBODIA | Monday, 27 Oct 2008 | Views [776] | Comments [1]

At the end of my trip I went back to Kuala Lumpur where I met up with my friend Meghan. We spent a couple days in KL then traveled north. Most of the spots we went to I have been before. The only stop we had in Malaysia was Cameron Highlands (It is ... Read more >

Back log

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 7 Oct 2008 | Views [774]

    It's been a while since I updated this. Actually it has only been two weeks but it seems like a while because I have done a lot. Since my last blog I went to Sumatra, where I had an amazing time visiting Bukit Lawang, Lake Toba and Nias. From Sumatra ... Read more >


MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 23 Sep 2008 | Views [882] | Comments [1]

Saturday morning I took the bus to from Cameroon Highlands to Pinang. The bus ride took about 5 hours. Penang is an island just off the coast of Malaysia (there is actually a bridge from the Mainland). The reason I decided to go to Pinang was because ... Read more >

Cameron Highlands

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 16 Sep 2008 | Views [2248] | Comments [1]

Tuesday night was supposed to be my last night in KL. I stayed until Tuesday just so that I could go to a Couch Surfing Picnic. The picnic was a lot of fun. It is Ramadan here, so we went to a local market that is set up for Ramadan and bought some ... Read more >

Tags: malaysia

I'm always right, I'm American

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 11 Sep 2008 | Views [1029] | Comments [2]

So in about 2 hours I will leave KL for the Cameroon Highlands. I didn't plan on staying here this long but I have been having a god time, I'm really looking forward to going to the highlands. The 5 days I have spent in KL have been fun and have gone ... Read more >

The Journey Begins

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 9 Sep 2008 | Views [773]

Since my last entry a lot has happened. I went to Kep for 3 days. A sleepy coastal town where the thick jungle goes right up to the sand. Kep was super relaxing and beautiful. I'm sure I will come back. I went back to Phnom Penh. Couch surfed at ... Read more >

Back in Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 3 Sep 2008 | Views [960]

I arrived in Phnom Penh around 6:00 Wednesday evening. Checked into the OK guesthouse and went to the Volunteer house to pick up my bag which I had left there. I met all the new volunteers they seemed really cool. A younger crowd then my group, and ... Read more >

Vietblog Part III: In the city

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 2 Sep 2008 | Views [774]

After Dafydd left for work I cleaned up and had a few drinks with Natasha. It was nice to finally get to know her a little bit. She is an awesome person, and she has done a lot for couch surfing.com. After talking to her for a bit I was persuaded to ... Read more >

Vietblog Part II: The Moto Bike Diary

VIETNAM | Monday, 1 Sep 2008 | Views [1674]

The next morning I was awaken to the sound of Robin Williams yelling “Good Morning VIETNAM!!!! Seriously. So I left off after just arriving in HCMC and meeting up with my Couch Surfing hosts Natasha and Dafydd at Apocalypse Now, and crashing on their ... Read more >

Vietblog Part 1

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2008 | Views [1476] | Comments [2]

A lot has happened since my last entry.   First off my volunteer commitment at CWF finished. Last week was pretty chill, we only had a couple days of actually class then some student assessment and on Friday we had a little farewell party with the ... Read more >

Tags: vietnam

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