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My new life begins at LAX a journal of my 3 months living and working in Phnom Penh, and beyond.


There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Vietnam

Vietblog Part III: In the city

Tuesday, 2 Sep 2008 | Views [774]

After Dafydd left for work I cleaned up and had a few drinks with Natasha. It was nice to finally get to know her a little bit. She is an awesome person, and she has done a lot for couch surfing.com. After talking to her for a bit I was persuaded to ... Read more >

Vietblog Part II: The Moto Bike Diary

Monday, 1 Sep 2008 | Views [1674]

The next morning I was awaken to the sound of Robin Williams yelling “Good Morning VIETNAM!!!! Seriously. So I left off after just arriving in HCMC and meeting up with my Couch Surfing hosts Natasha and Dafydd at Apocalypse Now, and crashing on their ... Read more >

Vietblog Part 1

Wednesday, 27 Aug 2008 | Views [1476] | Comments [2]

A lot has happened since my last entry.   First off my volunteer commitment at CWF finished. Last week was pretty chill, we only had a couple days of actually class then some student assessment and on Friday we had a little farewell party with the ... Read more >

Tags: vietnam



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