Well, what a few days!! only realy feel I can start to relax now!!
Left home at midday today caught the bus to Rotherham, a few starnge looks from fellow passengers off to Rotherham, as I tried to carry 2 rucksacks!! Proberbly get the hang of it on my way home, although not fallen over yet!!!
Got the train to Kings Cross, a new train with the big posh loo's that lock when you press a button!! Not exactly some poor bloke caught me on the loo, instinct made me stand up at some point to close the door, I think but it's miles away!! so sat back down and frantically presses the button to lock it again!!!
Well leaving London at 10.20 i the morning, hope to log on when I arrive in Nairobi.
Going to have pasta and watch Coronation Street.
Take care
Tracey xxx