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Another trip part 2 The amazing adventures of a lass from Belle Isle!!

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HONG KONG | Sunday, 7 September 2008 | Views [1224] | Comments [15]

Sorry guys I am back!! Thanks for those of you who had added comments I do read them but really want to try and make my contributions as interesting as yours!!! So need to pick my moments.

As there has been a lull in commenting thought I would give it a whirl, also got foots to prove I am here! Or at least out with different people!!!

Today had a great day walking the dragons back!! Around a 2 hour walk with the most amazing views, then down into Shek O for dinner by the beach!!! What a way to end the weekend.

Yesterday we had rain so spent the day exploring the shops had a trip to Zara!!!

First week with the children in class went well, we were both intact at the end! On of the girls called Miss Crazy instead of Miss Tracey !!!

Went to Hatha Yoga yesterday at the gym, the hottest, sweatiest Yoga I have been to!!! I could feel it today! I thought it would be less nergetic than the cross trainer! Not really!

Moving day to the new studio is this weekend and its a public holiday for the mid autumn festival so having a bit of a roof warming on monday! Visit to Ikea this week.

The trip on the junk was amazing so relaxing but the fish served with a tomato in its month not so good!!! On the way back saw a shop alld Fok Tat!! not sure what it sold but it made me laugh!

Found a food shop where you can buy qourn, cottage cheese and gelatine free licorique(cant remmber how to spell it!!) expensive but good to keep me going and I know what I am eating.

Really starting to miss you all now its been a month on wednesday, spoke to the little ones this weeknd which didnt help but did if you know what I mean? BUt th calls, texts and emails really help. I do love it here just wish you could pop over for a visit!

Enjoy the fotos, take care guys

Loads a love

Tracey xxxxx

Tags: on the water!!, socailising!!beaches, walks



Wow Trace! It doesn't look like you suffer from Vertigo from your photos! What a lovely view and well done for standing, what looks like, very near the edge!

  Lizzie Sep 8, 2008 3:10 AM


Hi Tracey & everyone, Yes I'm reading the blogs but don't feel I can contribute justly to all the comic rhetoric! The photos are great, so jealous of the weather! Tried to blog you yesterday, but it's not appeared. Did anyone catch Euro dance off? We was robbed.



  Tasleem Sep 8, 2008 5:56 AM


Hi Everyone :0)

I'm back in the land of communication without having to battle with Dial Up. Only took a week and numerous calls to BT once my new Home Hub arrived. I followed the 'simple and easy' start up guide. It was simple and it was easy it just didn't work!! Anyway I won't drone on about losing a whole Friday trying to sort it all out. It's done.

Trace love the photos. you look like you're having a great time and so good of those young girls to take an OAP under their wing ;0)

Does anyone else think she's not really in Hong Kong. Does she not know Aberdeen is in Scotland. Bless. Shall we go and get her?

Joking aside Trace am really missing you. Me and Max are definitely coming out there so brace yourself. Good luck with the move this weekend. Can't wait to see photos of new pad.

Take care

Jo xx

  Jo Sav Sep 13, 2008 6:44 AM


Helllllooooo Everyone!!!

First let me say this...Tasleem, you MUST join in the rubbish we all spout, you must, you must!!! Also, what the hell is a Euro Dance off????
Right what crap can I share with you all including Tracey if she is back from Ikea, the M62 is a busy road and with all the road widening/roundabout adjustments at the junction with Gelderd Rd she may still be stuck there with her flat packs. And I don't mean your bosoms....! Any road up, firstly, baking news. This morning I have made Upside Down Toffee Apple Cake, a Lemon Drizzle cake and Ginger Sponge Parkin!!!!! Not for my personal consumption obviously (mind you I did lick all the spoons and bowls and worktops...3000 cals prob) but for an Open Day at the rehearsal rooms this aft. Fun to be had for all(!) Raffle prize is two tkts to one of our shows, 2nd prize is 4 tkts. Yes I know its an old joke but in this case it could be true. Not been up to much really this week, Ellis started college and has been doing a bit more filming. Seen nothing of Joseph. I have found a lovely new friend tho in latest play....he is so cute I want to take him home and put him on my mantlepiece....and he's only 22!! For those of you who don't know me really, I only mean friend not 'friend'. Will be back with more dross later, got to go to Open Day now, they will be straining at the bit to get through the doors.
Love to all especially Fozzy

  Maximus Sep 13, 2008 9:15 PM


Forget all this Hong Kong rubbish. I need to speak to Alison "How did Johnathons visit go and who is he anyway?". Tracey said you had a brother? Maxine wont know as he is over 18yrs!
Must ring Maxine think Delia is retiring BBC is on the look out!
Rhinos are in semis of playoffs. Krystian is engaged. Phillipa is in love (for now anyway).The 'Petshop Boys' set off on their travels and if you think your 'old' appartment was small you should have seen their van 'cosy' to say the least.Lewy is doing Great Fire of London at school but doesnt see the point as its gone out now!AS for me I nearly died found a dead mouse in my washing machine, well at least in died in comfort!!! Bye. Ps today is a day off, will speak again in 6 months, although if I get a window might catch up with Max. Its unlikely she will make me a decent drink but if I do get one I'll try this supposed baking and expose her for the cookery fraud she is (advanced warning Maximus take the M&S wrapper off!)

  Obviously only one working!!!! Sep 15, 2008 8:42 PM


The above blogger is an imposter......too frightened to put her name to her ramblings. She is a mad woman with dodgy tales to tell. Beware the Unsigned Blogger!!!!!! Give her none of you time or attention.

  Maximus Sep 15, 2008 10:53 PM


Hi Tracey
Love the photos and especially like the one of you posing for the new Rio de Janeiro Christ statue!!! Or is it the new Angel of the North as there are disbelievers amongst us who think you are in Aberdeen or still trying to get out of IKEA!! Great news about the apartment and if you can cope with guests Lynne and I will be over this weekend as the demolition of the cottage started today and the re-occurring phrase at our house at the moment is 'oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!!!' We are still coming to terms with the portaloo in the garden, I cannot imagine the state that will be in by the end of the week,can feel the need to buy new marigolds (gloves that is not flowers to cover the blessed thing!!) Will text you a photo, of the demolition not the portaloo!! For the benefit of the other bloggers who have a passion for culinary based activities then we can highly recommend the Ludlow food festival, just spent the weekend down their with friends and hoping amongst hope that we have won the festival sausage hamper!! (Sorry Trace I know this is not your thing at all) to be honest not sure runner bean and blue cheese sausage was our thing either!!! but hey we gave it a go and scored it 'nil poi'!! Thankfully the rest of the festival was fab, and very scrummy, we just had the one meal that day - all day, it was what you might call a grazing day!! Any way hope the move in to new apartment went well Trace and looking forward to next lot of piccies. Will keep you up to speed with the building stuff, and fear not your chair is safe and well and doing a great job at doing what chairs do best, just waiting around for some weary body to sit on it.
Love T&L xxx

  Tracie and Lynne Sep 16, 2008 5:09 AM


Well thanks a bunch Tracie and Lynne for telling us about the Ludlow Food Festival........AFTER ITS BEEN ON!!!! I could've been there and won loads of awards for the swift removal of shrink wrap, and 'warming up', not to mention the Can Opener Queen. I would look brilliant in that tiara, I know I would. I will be there next year tho' of that I can assure you. Was the runner bean and blue cheese sausage for real??????Or am I just very gullible????


  Maximus Sep 16, 2008 6:07 AM


Hi All

Tracey, I don't know what skype is! Hence not able to go on it.

Eurovision Dance Contest is the dance version of song contest, therefore, 'Dance' and not 'song'. A new annual event in which Royaume Unis can be marginalised. Not hosted by dear old Terry however, but sharp-tongued Graham 'remember, you are voting for the dance and not the country,or else ...' Norton and what IS she wearing, Claudia Winklepickers.



  tasleem Sep 18, 2008 4:34 AM


Today is Autumnal. That means it was bloody freezing first thing but sunny and a bit brown now. I like Autumn though,windy days are good. Hoping for sunny Autumn weather this weekend tho' cos Im off darn that London to see Billy Elliott. Its Ellis's birthday treat, just staying one night, should be good. Then next week its busy, busy, busy with last rehearsals and then show week for Stags and Hens. Might not get much blogging time. Tracey, I wiil post some fotos of Stags etc on Facebook then you don't feel left out seeing as you are a thespian of the first degree.
Spk later everyone


  Maximus Sep 18, 2008 10:54 PM



I can't believe we've had sunshine for the last 4 days - hooray.

Trace have been trying to ring you on your Hong Kong mobile but I just keep getting this woman telling me it is not possible to connect to the number at the moment? Must get skype set up.

How's you new pad? Are you making the most of the roof terrace with evening soires :0)

Sounds like work is going well from your message. Just clicked the other day that you'll get all the school hols too. Do they have as much time off there as here?

Are you learning the language?

Have you got any more photos for us to see?

Jo xx

  JoSav Sep 21, 2008 6:50 PM


Hi Tracey
Hope the new pad is good and starting to feel like home, I know you were keen to see pictures of our cottage developments, so if you want to have a look at the action so far in week one then use this link to have a look http://gallery.me.com/traciej/100013
Oh and just to let Max know the blue cheese sausage was for real(you are not that gullible!!) and it won the sausage trail competition at the food festival!!
Take Care and will blog again soon

  Tracie and Lynne Sep 23, 2008 5:39 AM


Max you said you would never tell anyone that tracey was a thespian! Next you will be sharing the fact that she is a former member of AA, a bit like yourself.

Well the Woods have gone all 2008 and now have the internet at home "wow!" I hear you cry. Tis true and next week we are getting an in door toilet who knows I might even get running water for Christmas.

The oven though has always been in good working order its just not used often. Got any cookery tips Max? Or shall I keep going to M & S (again a bit like yourself)

Hope the play goes well, you'll have alot to do to beat our friend with the rat in her trousers! (I dont mean that night at Belindas!)

Oh and Hi Trace forgot about you. Hope all is well and the new appartment is being damp dusted.

Love ya take care

  The Unsigned blogger Returns ! Sep 24, 2008 7:03 AM


Im proud to be a member of AA, their roadside assistance is second to none!!!

I can't believe the above blogger has moved with the times and now has access to the internet. (she won't like it...) We now need to get you on Facebook.....its ok.....you won't get addicted. Hahahahahahaha etc. You were asking for cookery tips, I have only one...'Don't do it'. There really is no need, sandwiches suffice much of the time and for those wintry days, Toastie Bags. Lovely with Ready Brek in. Jar of jam with a teaspoon in makes a lovely dessert, and no washing up, lick the spoon, shove back in drawer, back to the telly. Sorted. When you have guests round, hula hoops in a bowl or for those special occasions, Pom Bears....its easy once you know how. After a few weeks, you will be able to prepare these dishes without thinking. Go on girls give it a try, you know you want to, you'll soon be up to my standard.
Love to.....errrrmm?.....errrrmm?......don't remind me.....ah yes, Tracey.

  Maximus Sep 24, 2008 8:08 AM


I'm touched you must have regarded us as friends I remember that bowl of Pom Bears well. I particularly was impressed with the way you managed to make one packet go so far.

I once tried the toaties bags but forgot to remind Phil to remove the bag. Good roughage though.

When T returns we could play how many hoola hoops on a chopstick! See you at yours in 2010 then.

  Delia in waiting Sep 26, 2008 4:05 AM

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