from K.L. to melbourne
AUSTRALIA | Friday, 16 December 2005 | Views [691]
L'ultim dia a Kuala Lumpur va ser una mica la reconciliacio entre nosaltres i la ciutat, vam estar passejant (jalan jalan, en malasia)per la ciutat, visitant un parell de museus d'historia de la ciutat i del pais, despres vam fer una visita al parc de papallones, un lloc molt maco ple de criatures (papallones, llangardaixos, peixos i tortugues) de diferents colors i formes. Sincerament, KL ens ha agradat molt mes aquest cop que la primera vegada.
Last day in Kuala Lumpur it was a bit a fresh new start and a new point of view of the city, we were walking around (jalan jalan, in malay) the city, visiting a couple of the city museums, the butterfly park, a place full of beautiful creatures (butterflies, lizards, fishes, and others...) with diferents shapes and colours. Honestly we liked more kl this time than before.
Al dia seguent vam volar cap a melbourne!!! un dia dins d'un avio... pero quina diferencia al arribar a Australia! despres de patir la calor i humitat i sorroll de kl, arribavem a un lloc on feia una mica de fresqueta tot estava ordenar i en silenci, i la gent no agoviava a la sortida de l'aeroport!! benvinguts a Melbourne!
The next day we flew to melbourne!! a day in a plane... but what a change when we get Australia!! after suffering the hot humit and noisy k.l we get to the fresh clean and silence of victoria! Welcome to melbourne!!
L'endema al mati ens vam decidir organitzar-nos una mica el viatge, aixi que vam anar a una agencia de viatge i alla vam fer-nos el plan per les proximes setmanes. Primer volariem a alice springs (al bellmig del dessert australia), alla fariem un tour de 5 dies visitant ulurus kings canyons i altres cosetes, i despres volariem cap a cairns on ens trobariem amb la nat i el tim!! disfrutar de la costa nord est i despres comencar a baixar cap a sydney al nostre ritme, pero aixo vindra en proxims capitols....
Next morning we decided to organize a bit the trip so we went to a travel agency and make a plan for the following weeks. First fly to Alice springs (in the middle of the aussi dessert), there take a tour of 5 days around uluru kings canyon and other places, then fly to cairns and meet tim ana nat!! enjoy the north east coast and start going down to sydney at our will, but this will come in the next chapters...
Tags: On the Road