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penang i langkawi

MALAYSIA | Monday, 5 December 2005 | Views [894] | Comments [1]

  Despres de deixar Palau Pangkor, hem decidit anar fins a Penang per passar uns dies mes a la platja. Aconsellats per la guia voliam anar a bathu ferrengi (o algu aixi...), pero un cop estavem a penang amb hotel a georgetown (la ciutat de la illa) vam decidir agafar un tour al voltant de la illa per veure uns temples budis que hi havien... Per cert plens de colorido i formes que ha vegades, sense perdre el respecte, semblen mes un part turistic que us centre de meditacio!! Bueno, el tour en questio va passar per la platja que voliem anar i vam veure que allo era un lloret a la malaia... quina decepcio.. aixi que vam decidir tornar a canviar de illa.

  After leaving Palau PAngkor, we decided to go to penang and spent a few more days in teh beach. Trusting the guide book, we wanted to go to bathu ferrengi (o something like this...), but once we were in penang we get a room in georgetown (the biggest town in the island). There we took a tour around to see some buddy temples, by the way they are full or colour and strange figures, sometimes without losing respect, seem more like a theme park than a praying place!!! Well, the tour went through the beach where we wanted to go and we discovered that was like blackpool (or worse...), was a let down, so we decided to change island the next day.

  El dia despres passavem 2 hores en un ferri  que donava molts bots, i va ser bona idea escoltar una mica de musica per tapar el soroll ambiental (gent vomitant, basicament...). Un cop a la illa ens vam dirigir cap al desti escollit i alli estava la habitacio sobre la platja que tant haviem desitjat!!! Alli vam passar 5 dies fent el gos i disfrutant de la tranquilitat. Pero amb nosaltres viatja el monzo i no es el millor company de viatge...

  The day after we spent 2 hours in a bouncing jetty and it was a good idea to listening some music to cover the other sounds (people througing up, basically) Once in teh island the face to teh choosen destany and there it was the room on the beach that we were wishing!! We spent 5 dog relaxing days!! But with us it was travelling the monzon, and isn't the best travel collage

 Un dia vam anar a mirar de canviar el bitllet per anar a  australia del dia 18 al  11 amb la idea de anar a singapore abans que australia pero tots els vols estaven plens, i nomes hi havia lloc pel dia 7. Aixi que vam fer el canvi, amb la opcio de tornar a parar a malasia quan tornem que ja no sera la temporada de monzo.

 One day we tried to change the ticket to go to australia from the 18 to the 11 with the idea to go to singapore before that leave to australia, but all flights were full but the 7th, so we took it with the option to stop again went we come back, when wont be monzon season.

 Ara tornem a estar a Kuala Lumpur, on dema farem mes de turista visitant coses que ens vam deixar l'ultim cop, i dimecres ja volem cap a Australia!! us direm algo des d'alla!!

 Now we are in KL again, tomorrow we will do a bit of sight seeing that we didnt see the other time and on wednesday we fly to australia!! we will say something from there!!

Tags: Beaches & sunshine



Bueno, bueno tito que handsome que estas en la foto de la beach con tu sueca bien amarrá !!! Per cert molt bé les fotos dels cels, increibles !! I el menjar que tal ? Excel.lent suposo, cuenta, cuenta. Algun tropezón más.......... Preparats per Australia?? recorda la crema solar, tapa moscas i a disfrutar de la gent i les barbacoas. Per aqui tot molt bé, el Sergio ens ve a veure el cap de setmana y preparados para el Christmas. Un petonas molt fort als dos. PD. No te olvides comprar regalitos antes de abandonar el pais malasiano, je,je !!!

  isabel Dec 8, 2005 1:01 AM



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