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Gallery: mieres oct 2006

SPAIN | Thursday, 2 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

cap de setmana a la garrotxa
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Gallery: adelaide

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 20 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: great ocean roat

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 13 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: phillip island day

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 10 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: melbourne

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 10 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: canberra

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 7 Feb 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: sydney 2

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 31 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: blue mountains

AFGHANISTAN | Tuesday, 31 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 26 Jan 2006 | Views [793]

A sydney vam passar-hi dos dies, el primer fent una rapida visita a l'hospital perque a la martina li feia mal al voltant de les costelles,i es millor prevenir que curar... no era massa res, nomes una inflamacio al voltant d'una costella. Despres d'organitzar-... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

from brisbane to sydney

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 26 Jan 2006 | Views [1078]

Despres de deixar brisbane tocavauna etapa de tres dies en que passariem per surfers paradise i byron bay, un campament per apendre a surfejar i una nit al mig de les muntanyes de new south wales. After leaving brisnbane we were doing a 3 day way to ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road


AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 25 Jan 2006 | Views [890]

Despres de deixar herbie bay, era hora de retrobar-nos amb el tim i nat a on viuen, moloolaba. Va ser fantastic tornar-los a veure i com el primer cop ens van acollir amb els bracos obert i fent casa seva casa nostra, un altre cop gracies! After leaving ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Gallery: brisvegas to sydney

AFGHANISTAN | Sunday, 22 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: sydney

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 22 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: brisbain

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 22 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: surfing

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 22 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: australian zoo

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 21 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Fraser island

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Jan 2006 | Views [742]

El dia 9 al mati agafavem un altre barco per anar a visitar fraser island, la illa feta de sorra mes gran del mon, casa de dingos (gossos salvatges) i altres criatures com aranyes i serps letals, grans llangardaixos... Un lloc presios amb platges de ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

kroombit, the cattle station

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Jan 2006 | Views [861] | Comments [2]

El dia seguent pujavem a l'autobus amb la sorpresa que erem els unics passatgers pels proxims 2 dies, aixo volia dir atencio personalitzada del guia, la emma, una chavalita autraliana que ens va portar  llocs on normalment no para el bus, com una de ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

whitsunday island

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Jan 2006 | Views [755]

El dia 4 vam anar de townsville a airlie beach, arrivant alla al cap vepre amb temps de banyar-nos a la piscina i anar a veure la posta de sol. The 4th we moved from townsville to airliebeach, getting there on the late afternoon and with only time for ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Gallery: kroombit, shooting and cowboys...

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Jan 2006 | Photo Gallery

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