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AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 26 January 2006 | Views [812]

A sydney vam passar-hi dos dies, el primer fent una rapida visita a l'hospital perque a la martina li feia mal al voltant de les costelles,i es millor prevenir que curar... no era massa res, nomes una inflamacio al voltant d'una costella. Despres d'organitzar-nos, fer compra i bugada, vam anar a visitar una mica la ciutat. El centre, ple de alts edificis que tenen el seu encant, el port, i el harbour bridge i la opera (per cert no sabia que eren 3 edificis diferents...). Al vespre estaven cansats i ens vam ficar en un cine a veure les memories d'una geisha.

In sydney we spent 2 days, the first going for a quick visit to the doctor because martina had pain around her rips, nothing bad, just and inflamation of a rip that when away with a few pills. Ater organized ourselfs doing shoppingand laundry, we went to visit the city, the city center with its big shinning buildings, the harbour the harbour bridge, and the opera (i didnt know that it was 3 different buildings...) in the evening we went to the cinema to see the memoirs of a geisha.

El dia seguent vam comencar amb una visita a the rocks, la part mes vella de sydney, passant despres pel museu d'art modern, i despres agafant un ferry fins a darling harbour on vam visitar el museu maritim. despres vam fer via per anar a dinar a la torre amp, un restaurant molt bo dalt de la torra de comunicacions on tens vistes de tota la ciutat perque gira 360 graus. Despres de dianr i amb la panxa plena vam tornar a l'hostal per fer la migdiada tornant despres a la ciutat per agafar un ferry fins a manly i a la tornada disfrutar de la posta de sol amb vistes a la ciutat, i despres les llums de la opera!!!

The next day we started with a visit to the rocks, the oldest part of sydney, where it was a market, following the museum of modern art, and then taking a ferry to darling harbour, where we visit the nautic museum and walk around there before we went to have lunch in the amp tower, in a very nice fine restaurant that it was spinning 360 degrees with views of all over the city. After that we went back to the hostel for a nap and the we went back to the city, catching a ferry to manly and coming back seeing the sunset over the city, and enjoying the lights of the opera house at night time.

Tags: Sightseeing



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