kroombit, the cattle station
AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 January 2006 | Views [877] | Comments [2]
El dia seguent pujavem a l'autobus amb la sorpresa que erem els unics passatgers pels proxims 2 dies, aixo volia dir atencio personalitzada del guia, la emma, una chavalita autraliana que ens va portar llocs on normalment no para el bus, com una de les platges on les tortugues posen els ous per aquestes dates, carreteres mes petites on vam veure molts cangurs oal final del dia i despres de 900km parar una estona per veure la posta de sol molt maca i despres una tempesta amb gran quantitat de llamps.
The next day we got up in the bus with the surprise that we were the only passangers for the next 2 days, that meant full attencion from the guide, Emma, an aussie sheila that stopped in places that normally never do, seeing a beach were the turtles lay their eggs, b roads to see kangoroos and after 900 km driving, stop to see the wonderful sunset and the lightenings!!
Un cop vam arribar a kroombit, una granja on tenen vaques, cabres, i altres animalots, vam sopar i vam fer servir un fuet (que no era d'espunya), el toro macanic i altres activitats.
Once we got kroombit, a cattle station with cows, goats and other animals, we had dinner, we learnt to use a whipp, the mechanic bull and other activities.
Al mati seguent, despres d'esmorzar vam fer mes activitats, primer vam anar a buscar les cabres perseguint-les amb moto cross, despres vam agafar una cabra amb el llac rotllo cowboy i despres vam fer tir al plat amb escopeta de veritat i no per anar de guais pero vaig fer un 5 de 5!! jo estava sorpres pero el tio de l'escopeta tambe!!
The next morning, after breakfast we did more activites, first we chase the goats with a motorbike to close them, the the get one with the laces in a cowboy way... and then the shoot the flying pigeons, and i dont want to get cocky but i did 5 of 5! i was very surprise!!!
Despres de plantajar-me el meu futur pensant amb els jocs olimpics de beijin i el tir al plat, vem fer via cap a hervey bay parant a 1770 un lloc descovert pel capita cook. Un cop al nostre desti final, va ser hora de despedir-nos de emma!! Gracies per aquests 2 dies de bon rotllo!!
After questioning my future thinking with olimpic games of beijin and the shooting... the went in our way to hervey bay, stopping in 1770 a place discovered by capitain cook. Once in our final stop, was time to say goodbye to emma!! Thank u for with 2 amazing days!!!
Tags: On the Road