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red center

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 16 December 2005 | Views [773] | Comments [2]

Despres de baixar de l'avio un cop arribats a alice springs, vam notar la calor seca i dura del desert... uns 40 graus!! Aquell dia vam fer visita al centre de reptils on lluitant contra les meves pors vaig tocar agafar diferents reptils i fins i tot una piton d'uns 3 metres!!

After landing in Alice Springs we suffer the dry heat of the dessert... about 40 degrees!! That day we did a visit to the reptile center where i fought some of my fears.. holding reptiles and even a phyton about 3  meters longs!!

L'endema ens llevavem a les 5 del mati per marxar de tour durant els propers 5 dies a traves del desert!! en un autocar-furgoneta 12 persones de 8 nacionalitats ens embarcaven en una aventura molt xula. El primer dia vam visitar l'uluru i les olgas (les roques aquestes de color vermellos de les fotos), Posta de sol alla i despres barbacoa al campament! Aquella nit no vam poder dormir de la calor!!

Next morning we woke up about 5 am to start a 5 days tours trough the red center!  In a bus-van with 12 people of 8 diferent nationalities we where starting a very nice adventure! the first day we visited the uluru an the olgas (red colour rocks in the pics), sunset in there and then bbq back in the camp!  That night i couldnt sleep becouse the heat!

Al cap d'una estona ens llevavem (4am) per anar a veure la sortida de sortida del sol, que no va ser massa especial pq plovia, fet que en aquell moment va tocar una mica els ous pero despres es va agrair pq vam caminar al voltant del uluru durant 2 hores i si hagues fet sol haguessim defellit!! aquell dia vam seguir fent escursions fins arribar al proxim campament on el nostre guia/cuiner/conductor, ens va fer el sopar a la vora dun lloc de camp!

After a while we woke up (at 4am) to go to see the sunrise in the uluru, it wasnt nothing special because it rained, thing that toucha bit bollocks but then we were thankfull not to walk around the rock for 2 hours with the sun melting our heads... We did a couple of other walks and we get to the camp where tim, our driver/guide/chef cook our dinner next to a camp fire!!

El 3er dia una  caminada per kings canyon (la ciutat perduda) un lloc realment impressionant on sembla que sigui un laverint de pedra! un lloc molt recomenable!  a mes a mes el grup de gent que ens va tocar era una barreja de nacionalitats i edads diferents pero amb un bon rotllo increible!!

The 3rd day we did a 3 hours walk in kings canyon (the lost city) a relly impressive place that look a bit like a laverint make out of stones! a place to go! In top of that the people of our group it was a mix of nationalities and different ages with a very good mood , really nice people!!!

El 4 dia vam  fer una caminata que havia de ser facil i ens vam trobar escalant entre roques i troncs, que si m'ho arriben a dir abans potser no hagues fet, pero que va ser una experiencia unica!! despres vam fer una visita a una comunitat aborigen, i ens van explicar una mica de historia i art, interessant!

The 4th day we did a walk that supposed to be easy, and we found ourselfs climing between rocks and trees, thing that if they told me from the start may be i didnt do, but a unique experince!! After that we did a visit ot an aborigenal comunity learning a bit about history and art. interesting!!

L'ultim dia el vam fer l'ultima cinada a traves de palm valley, unic lloc en el mon on segueix la mateixa vegetacio que hi havia en la epoca dels dinosaures!! despres vam tornar cap a alice springs, cansats molt suats i una mica trist de dir adeu als 5 dies increibles, a un grup de gent molt maca i a un guia (tim) molt enrollat!!

Last day we did a walk trough palm valley, a place where still the same vegetation that the dinosaures times!! then we went back to alice springs, tired sweaty and a bit sad of  to say farewell to 5 incredible days a very nice bunch of people and a guide, tim, a peculiar but interesting charecter!!! 

Tags: The Great Outdoors



Merry christmas! and thank you for the card,nice to know Youre alive! wow! thats the only thing I'm gonna say. Must be amazing!!! Im speachless about the beutiful pictures. have to go and shovel some snow now, since yesterday we had about 20 cm:) so a white christmas it shall be! take care, and see you! xxx anna ( and lisa)

  anna Dec 20, 2005 9:09 PM


Bon Nadal i Feliç Any Nou. From The Persson family.

  regina & co Dec 24, 2005 5:26 AM



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