I must admit, I’ve never been a huge fan of
London. It’s one of those places that people either love or don’t. Overpriced
dirty hotels mixed with densely packed and polluted sidewalks are not my thing
(ironic since I was just in Antananarivo!) Still,
it’s always been a place to remember because of the people I’ve been with
rather than the city itself.
Each of my visits to London has been
memorable for different reasons. The last time I was here, I was toured around
the back streets of Camden markets and saw a stunning musical on the West End.
The first time round I saw all the big sights of the city, but found I had the
best time sitting in the window of a cafe with a friend watching the rush hour
pass through Piccadily Circus. This time, I was visiting a real local and spent my time chilling out with this young and groovy diva.
I’m a very lucky traveller; everywhere I go
it’s been
sunny and beautiful weather. Furthermore, springtime is definitely the season for taking
advantage of the lengthening
days and cool,
endless twilights. I can definitely suggest
an afternoon picnicking
at Greenwich Park where it was near
impossible to resist dozing off on the lush grass.
I checked out the Museum of Natural History, very pretty; wandered around trying to find a decent cafe
near King’s Cross with
no luck and
ate a decadent lunch in an obscurely situated, ancient Egyptian themed
restaurant called ‘LMNT’ (the mussels were so good we had to order
them twice!)

We tried to watch the passing of the guard
at Buckingham Palace but the crowd was so big it was impossible to get a half
decent view and we left.
It’s a mixed bunch.