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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "museum".

Welcome to Cambodia - Phnom Penh

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 14 May 2009 | Views [1524]

The storm had blown itself out by dawn and we left Don Det, as we had arrived, on a long tail. The holidays were over and the aftermath of the rains were very much in evidence in Nakasang on the mainland. The dusty street had turned into a mudbath ... Read more >

Tags: border, history, museum, storm

Getting settled in Wellington

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Views [938]

After 10 days in the car and sleeping in tents we were all quite glad to pull up to the Wellywood Backpackers in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. The monstrous pile of camping detritus that was crammed into the lift on the way up was positively ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, fire escape, hostel, museum

Dinosaurs, black and white dolphins and Welsh tea in Trelew

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 30 Dec 2008 | Views [2021] | Comments [1]

In 1852 a number of Welsh settlers arrived in Puerto Madryn and worked their way south and west before they got to the Chubut valley which they decided was the spot for them and promptly irrigated, We arrived in the heat of the mid afternoon ... Read more >

Tags: cake, mad people, museum, tea, wildlife


PERU | Tuesday, 30 Sep 2008 | Views [1480]

After a long and very winding night bus, sustained only by the wonders of peanuts and rum and coke we arrived in Arequipa, a gorgeous colonial town in Southern Peru. It's nicknamed the white city as the majority of the building are made of a lovely white ... Read more >

Tags: colonial, frog juice, llama, market, museum

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