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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "apartment".

Networking and notworking

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 2 Mar 2009 | Views [697]

Sylvia and Oii bade us farewell early on the Monday morning – their schedule only allowed them another 2 weeks for the whole of the South Island and they had an early ferry to Picton. Our journey 5 minutes up the street was shorter but we ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, carnival, concert, flood, rugby, work

Getting settled in Wellington

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 | Views [939]

After 10 days in the car and sleeping in tents we were all quite glad to pull up to the Wellywood Backpackers in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. The monstrous pile of camping detritus that was crammed into the lift on the way up was positively ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, fire escape, hostel, museum

At home in Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Monday, 15 Dec 2008 | Views [892]

It was a bit disorientating in the taxi at first. The street names didn't seem familiar and I had lost my sense of direction. Gradually Buenos Aires started to reveal itself as we approached our rented apartment ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, old friends, protests, theft

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