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Posh Backpackers On Wheels Grace and Marie Therese's Round-the-World Adventure

The Backpackers On Yet Another Tour

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 9 June 2008 | Views [4249] | Comments [7]

The snorkling posh backpackers

The snorkling posh backpackers

It was time to see more of Australia, but first we had to have a going away party.... we were going to be away for a whole week after all...

We dollied ourselves up and headed off on yet another session, with a big dance off planned. Had a few cheap drinks in crystals practising our dance mooves and continued on to the bright lights of Sydney city. We started in the Coronation on our new poison of vodka and cranberry. Continued on to The Brooklyn ready for a night of dancing. We had our two South Kerry boys on toe, Paddy and Noodles (Noddy) and we were out to live the dream. To pump ourselves up for the dancefloor and to get into the spirit of things had a few posh cocktails. We danced the night away and went back to Crystals a few hours before our flight that morning. We snored our heads off for an hour and then Crystal spent the next hour trying to wake us. Eventually the two backpackers arose Grace screaming "MT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT...WE'RE 26 AND WE WET THE BED"..... but Crystal informed us "I was spashing water on you for ages trying to wake you"... And us classy things didn't feel a thing.

Rushed to the airport in a taxi, still a little "dizzy", and just in made it in time for check in. To wake ourselves up we thought we needed a coffee, two lattes and a chocolate muffin. Got to the customs and they said "STOP.... you can't bring the muffin through...you'll have to put it on the belt". We went through the scan, all excited waiting for our muffin to come through the machine. The security guy watching the screen nearly pissed himself laughing when he saw the muffin on the monitor, while MT, Grace and the rest of the security guards were weak laughing too. We decided not to consume the muffin thinking it was full of x-rays.

Passed out on the flight and woke up in Cairns. Hired a car which was to be our cama (bed) and restaurant for the next week. Spent the first couple of days exploring Cairns -The Crystal Cascades, beautiful beaches and Cairns city. Booked a daytrip to go to the Great Barrier reef, which turned out to be the highlight of our week. The boat was full of young backpackers and had the most amazing day snorkling, singing, eating and drinking. Wrapped up in our Brazilian wraps, the lead singer of the band on the boat kept referring to us as the BRAZILIAN BRIDES.... much to the annoyance of a true Brazilian stud sitting next to us. Sure we were delighted.

Drove down to Mission Beach, taking use of the public bbq's along the beaches. Final stop was Airlie Beach. Lounging around for the day by the lagoon we came across a tattoo and piercing parlour. We were like "should we go in for a look"... And we came out of there with a big dragon tattoo each on our left breast. We decided it was time for an image change.

Next day we headed off on a daytrip to the Whitsunday Islands... Booked the cheapest trip thinking it would be another backpacker trip, only to get there seeing geriatric after geriatric boarding the boat. But we decided to have fun with it and made some new friends... Asked if we wanted to wear stinger suits, we didn't want to hide our new tattoos and said "no bikinis will do us" we wanted to show off our new body art.

On our last night bbqing down on the beach we met two Ozzie sailors. While they were practising the wheel of goon, we were being more sophisticated with a bottle of vino. Sang danced and laughed the night away.

Returned to Sydney with only $30 between us. Couldn't get a lift from the airport so we hopped into a taxi, and we were straight out to the taxi driver and said this is what we have, how far can you bring us? he said because you're so honest I will get you home to Strathfield. 3 kilometres away from Strathfield he must have though to himself "feck this" and he booted us out of the car, and we had to walk home with our luggage laughing all the way at what had happened.

Oh yeah by the way, MT got an ear piercing and Grace a belly ring.... We'll save the dragon tattoos for the next trip!!!

Hasta Luego!



Nice to see Ye having fun again.
Ta for the nice views.

  PF Jun 13, 2008 5:46 AM



  pf Jun 13, 2008 5:51 AM


nice pics, look forward to thailand...

  joana Taya Jun 14, 2008 12:21 AM


We sure did snorkel and it was fantastic :) What do u mean?? We're not posers... Great to see some comments again! Muito obrigada! Thailand coming soon!!

  entertainers Jun 14, 2008 3:52 PM


Posers us!!!!

  Grace Jun 14, 2008 4:19 PM


Dragon tatoos?? Haha very funny. I've heard that Thailand has got some good tat shops so u better keep ur promise there. XX

  Elin Jun 14, 2008 4:33 PM


aaaahhhh, cairns, mission, airlie, whitsundays... what took you gals a week took us a month or two... 10 years ago! (eek)

with a super serious and successful career, have obviously had to remove my piercings, but will show you my tattoo sometime, mt :)
(just kidding, mum!)

bring on the thai news update :)

  head Jun 17, 2008 10:23 PM



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