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My Life on Campus

USA | Monday, 11 February 2008 | Views [836]

Surprise, surprise, it's me again!

Right now I'm sitting in my room after surviving my 8 o'clock class this morning. I know it has been a while since I've written something here, but let me give you a quick update.

Classes are going great. I like all 4 of them and I really have the feeling that these classes give something extra to me apart from what RA has to offer. Especially the lab-classes (3 of my courses include labwork) give me a lot of extra opportunities.

So what else has happened over the past few weeks? Well, as you could read from my last story: I've been sick. Not very interesting. Furthermore, I've been to a show of Jim Wand who is a hypnotist who visits the UNK campus every year. The show was hilarious, I laughed the whole time. I must say I was a bit sceptical about it in the beginning. But since the volunteers were actually people I know and who've never met the hypnotist before, the scetisism disappeared. I've put some pictures of the show on my weblog as well.

Apart from the big events I mentioned so far, I spend a lot of my evenings in the lounge area of our building. This area has a pingpong-table, a pooltable, an airhockeytable, and a very big tv. We spend a lot of time there watching movies, playing games, eating pizza and so on.

So what's the campus actually like? Well, I put some pictures of the campus on my weblog as well. Most of my classes are given in Bruner Hall, which is where the Science department is at. Because they're renovating the building, I actually have to walk around the building to the back entrance to get in. This means an extra 5 minutes that I could have spend in bed....poor me...;p. Usually, we eat in the Student Union Building. In the grey part of the building (see pictures) you'll find the cafetaria. There you can get basically anything you want. Although I do have to say that vegetables are sometimes hard to find... Downstairs there are some extra places where you can get something to eat. There's Taco Bell, Coyote Jacks, Starbucks, and some Chinese place of which everyone so far told me not to eat there haha!

Furthermore, I spend quite some time in the library to study. The library is pretty big compared to the one in Middelburg and gives you a lot of opportunities to study without being disturbed.

Well, I guess this is my story for now. I still have to print a paper before my next class and get the rest of my stuff together. If you've got any questions about my time here, just ask me. I'll try to answer your question in my next story.

Tags: Work



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