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It's a long climb, to get to the bottom of things

on the eve of a dream coming true...

USA | Saturday, 26 March 2011 | Views [590]

Travel dust shakes itself from the bottom of my well-worn backpack. The cats begin alternately fighting and following my every move around the apartment; they know from experience that they won't see me for an indefinite amount of time. My brother used to say that when I travel, they think I'm dead and wait in anticipation of my return from the netherworld. Life is like that sometimes for wanderers of the road. Neither a part of home or abroad: in limbo until we meet again. The past week has been a whirlwind of running errands, finding time for goodbyes to those I love, cleaning veraciously for the house sitter, and scouring the internet for tips of places to go and things to see. I haven't breathed in a month...

You see, this trip is not just another of Emily's World Travels.

This is THE TRIP.

I had a Trigonometery partner my junior year in highschool- Francisco. He was one of the most beautiful, funny, and compassionate people I have met in my life. We would help each other with the normal academic requisites, but the days I most remember are when we found words he didn't know- like jukebox, and I would draw one for him to "see" what we were talking about. He talked often of his home- the wonders abounding from skiing the Andes, people with limitless hearts and laughter, and places so mysterious that I remember the names 16 years later. He instilled in me one of my lifelong dreams: to visit Chile.

Half of my life now has been spent in pursuit of this dream. Often I have mounted campaigns to go. Every time those dreams have been dispelled by diminishing funds, breakups with travel partners, unexpected timing delays, and in the case of the past few years- having vacation that starts from a tour ending in Europe (making a trip across the globe to get where I really want to go seem a bit foolish).

Last year, we were slated to go on tour to Chile with the dance company. I was excited, but with reserve for I was certain to be fired or have some other calamity prevent me from going. Well, a month before our trip, 7.0 earthquake damaged much of Santiago including the Theater which we were to play. I felt partially "responsible." Millions of people suffered and I, once again, was prevented from reaching my dream.

Now, I am 24 hours away from landing in Santiago on the remounted tour with Hubbard Street. I can hardly believe that it might finally be happening.

For one week I will be working with the company- breaking down the language barriers in order to support the creative production of sharing our artistry with the Chilean people. The pieces we are doing are challenging both technically and artistically for dancers and crew, but they represent some of the best work our company has produced in the past year. I am proud to be a part of such a wonderful experience. After the last performance closes the curtain on our time together, I will say goodbye to friends new and old and sling on my trusty backpack in search of a new adventure.

Right now, I am planning on heading out first for the farthest reaches of the earth- Patagonia. There is so much to do I can hardly narrow down my desires into two limited weeks.

Hiking those volcanoes in the Lakes District, waddling with the Penguins in the Magellan Straights, horseback riding along the magestic spires of the Andes, cruising the Patagonian Fjords on a shipping freighter, planting my feet down in Ushuaia- the Southernmost city in the entire world, discovering the mysteries of the Maori on Easter Island...finding a Pablo Neruda of my very own and falling in love to the soft whispered sweetness of poetry... I know I can't manage to do everything, but my heart swells at the possibilities. My soul cries for wide open spaces with limitless skies. The end or the beginning. A new chapter in a life filled with adventure, a cherished memory to file away in the story of my life, or a closing song in the years of unreserved youth: what that happens from here is a part of my legacy- a life that has been lived each day to the fullest in the spirit of exploration.

and ultimately, I would like to dispel once and for all a myth perpetuated by our society and it's narrow views. On the brink of a precious dream at long last finally coming true, it's not that anything is possible...

Here, in this moment: EVERYTHING is possible.

Tags: chile, dream, emily predny, predny, santiago



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