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dannygoesdiving This is a blog & photo journal of the trips that I (Danny) and Jo (wifey) have taken over the past few years.

Old friends, new job & a potcake !

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS | Monday, 24 December 2007 | Views [953]

We have now been living in the Turks & Caicos for a year, time seems to have flown and yet so much seems to have happened.  The island has gone from a unfamiliar place, to a place we call home with a circle of very good friends.

The last few weeks have probably seen the biggest changes since our first hectic months, thankfully all the changes are for the better.

Firstly (and highest in prioriy), Kes and Sarah got work as diving instructors, here at Beaches.  For those who don't know them, Kes is my best mate, having known each other since the long distant age of 14 & Sarah is both our friend and Kes ideally suited partner. Kes arrived a couple of weeks ago, it has been great to catch up with him, it had been nearly 2 years since we last met up.  That last evening resulted in us getting extremely drunk on rice wine in Hanoi.  I know that the Turks & Caicos takes time to adjust to and I know it will take a while for them to become settled, hopefully we can help smooth that process to some extent.  We have had a few good evenings so far, and hopefully many more to come. Sarah arrived a couple of days ago (her luggage eventually followed), so she is still adjusting to the heat and the island ! It is going to be great spending Xmas and New Year with them.

The second event, is that I have changed jobs, moving from Beaches to Dive Provo.  Beaches has been great experience, I have learned alot about resort centres, diving from boats and teaching large numbers of courses and discover scuba divers.  I have recently been looking for a change though and the new job opportunity arose.  Dive Provo is a pure diving centre (as opposed to part of a resort), there are 11 staff (including owners) and the centre has a good reputation.  Everone has been very friendly and helpful, the majority of them are either from the UK or South Africa, and I seem to be fitting in well.  I have only been there a couple of weeks but am enjoying being back at a dive centre, where you are constantly busy, everyone helps out and there is more socialising outside of work hours.  We have already had our Xmas party, so they already know my true colours !  Time will tell, but I think it has been a good move.

Third up on the list, we now have a potcake (dog).  He was found lying in the road where he had been hit by a car.  Our neighbour Nikki helps out at the TSPCA (like our RSPCA) and brought him home to look after.  As she was going away for a few days she asked if we could keep an eye on him. We moved him up to our balcony to keep a better eye on him and he has been here ever since ! At first he could not even lift his head to eat and drink, let alone walk and noone knew if he would survive the following days, due to the head traumer and fit he had subsequently suffered. Progress has been slow but remarkable, he is still wary of new people, but is very lively and we even had him swimming in the sea today (much to his disgust).  Anyway, his name is Jasper and I think he has well and truly landed on his paws !

Finally, we have the jeep on the road !  It has been a long (and sometimes painful process) but the rebuilding is finally complete.  It still only has one seat at the moment, only one headlight works, the exhaust has a hole in it so it sounds like a tank, but hey its an island car!  The rebuild would certainly not have been possible without Eric and Steve, left to me the engine would still be in boxes and I would be scratching my head wondering what was the starter motor and what was the battery !  Anyway, they both know it, but I can't thank them enough for their help and patience.

So, it's Xmas eve day today, and as opposed to last year where we had just arrived, knew noone and spent it sitting at home wondering what we had done, this year should be in complete contrast, spending it with some great people.

Hope everyone has a great Xmas and New Year.

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