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dannygoesdiving This is a blog & photo journal of the trips that I (Danny) and Jo (wifey) have taken over the past few years.

Cave Diving in the Abacos (Bahamas)

BAHAMAS | Tuesday, 1 Dec 2015 | Views [1390]

Florida ... check, Mexico ... check. As Meat Loaf once said '2 out of 3 ain't bad, but now it was time for a full house - we were off to dive what are considered by many to be some of the most highly decorated caves in the world. We were heading to the ... Read more >

Photos: Cave Diving in the Abacos

BAHAMAS | Monday, 30 Nov 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Cave Diving in the Turks & Caicos

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS | Friday, 27 Nov 2015 | Views [19328] | Comments [4]

    This is an ongoing and continuely updated journal of the efforts of Jon Ward and myself to discover, explore and map the blue holes and caves of the Turks & Caicos islands.  We both work as full time dive instructors ... Read more >

Photos: Cave Diving in the Turks & Caicos

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS | Thursday, 26 Nov 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Climbing the highest peak in the Caribbean

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Saturday, 25 Jul 2015 | Views [1280]

'What do you want to do for your birthday this year?'. It was a casual question that ended up with us undertaking one of our most challenging trips ! Josies answer was 'somewhere green where we can do some walking'. The obvious choice was the Dominican ... Read more >

Photos: Climbing Pico Duarte. DR

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Friday, 24 Jul 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Misconceptions about Haiti

HAITI | Saturday, 2 May 2015 | Views [2038]

The media never say anything positive about Haiti, its mostly shown on television for political turmoil, violence, poverty or natural disasters. Haiti is portrayed as a country that is slum filled, dirty, ugly, devoid of vegetation (deforrestation from ... Read more >

Photos: Haiti

HAITI | Friday, 1 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

Visiting the Citadel
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Under the weather in Grand Turk

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS | Tuesday, 3 Mar 2015 | Views [846]

Its our 9th year in the Turks and Caicos (how time flies) and there are still parts of the island chain and annual events that we have not yet visited/experienced. We barely skimmed the surface of Grand Turk (the Capital) on our last day trip visit (back ... Read more >

Photos: Grand Turk 2015

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS | Sunday, 1 Mar 2015 | Photo Gallery

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St Valentines Cup 2015 , Turks & Caicos

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS | Saturday, 14 Feb 2015 | Views [834]

Having spent the last couple of years enjoying our travels around the world, we have decided that this year we should concentrate more on experiences closer to home (its also cheaper !). So the first thing on our Turks and Caicos calender is the St.... Read more >

Photos: St Valentines Cup 2015

TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS | Friday, 13 Feb 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Panama - not the home of the Panama hat !

PANAMA | Saturday, 20 Sep 2014 | Views [1288]

Completely off track, however, the Panama hat does not originate from Panama, it originated from Ecuador as early as the 17th Century. Straw hats woven in Ecuador like many other 19th and early 20th century South American goods, were shipped first to ... Read more >

Photos: Panama 2014

PANAMA | Friday, 19 Sep 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Costa Rica - frogs, dogs and roosters

COSTA RICA | Thursday, 11 Sep 2014 | Views [989]

First opinion of Costa Rica - it rains alot; second opinion of Costa Rica - it rains alot; third opinion of Cocts Rica - it rains alot ! I'm sure you get the picture, mind you thats what happens when you visit a country during their rainy season :) ... Read more >

Photos: Costa Rica 2014

COSTA RICA | Wednesday, 10 Sep 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Guatemala - muggy but not buggy

GUATEMALA | Tuesday, 2 Sep 2014 | Views [1623]

I have a belief that a holiday doesn't start until you have survived the horrors of Miami International Airport, even with its improvements the whole experience is something that nightmares are made of and I'm surprised it doesn't feature in a horror ... Read more >

Photos: Guatemala 2014

GUATEMALA | Monday, 1 Sep 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Dominica...from seahorses to sperm whales

DOMINICA | Wednesday, 11 Jun 2014 | Views [1258]

During our time in the Turks and Caicos, one destination kept cropping up by new found friends and visiting guests alike - Dominica. Initially it was the macro diving that attracted my attentions (mainly my nemesis...the frogfish), then there was ... Read more >

Photos: Dominica - below and above

DOMINICA | Tuesday, 10 Jun 2014 | Photo Gallery

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