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Roon the Globe Nadia's trip around the world in 365 days :)

Planning my escape from Cairns

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 24 November 2010 | Views [339] | Comments [2]

Here's a little update..nothing that interesting to report as i've just been working away as usual!

Tonight, i handed in my notice to work to let them know i'm leaving next week..felt quite bad and i'll be sad to leave cos i get on so well with everyone but i've kinda shot myself in the foot by booking and paying 350 quid for 2 weeks accomodation in Sydney..and that was done last JULY. So there's no getting around it unless i want to waste money. I have to be there for the 19th Dec, which i'm really looking forward to but can't help but think i'd be staying here for longer for the sake of my job cos i don't get any shit and that's kind of hard to come across in hospitality jobs. ALso i'll be honest, the thought of Christmas in Sydney sounds amazingly fun as i'll no doubt be having a barbie on the beach. New Year, however, i'm not so much looking forward to cos it's going to be like back home - where the hell do i go?! I hate that decision, cos it can go either way so i'm not going to get my expectations up and just see what the chat is when i get there. To watch fireworks over Harbour Bridge costs over 100 quid to spend the evening, you have to queue all day and most places you can't bring alcohol and they don't sell it all through the night..i'm sure i'd find a way though (i.e tape a bag of goon to my body under my clothes).

Anyway aside from that minimal stress..everything is going good!

Last week a girl moved into my dorm for a couple of weeks and she's a dive master so told me about coral spawning season which is happening this week on the great barrier reef. It only happens once a year and for 3 nights only during Full Moon, so i'm going to experience "Sex on the Reef" on Thursday night and i can't bloody wait! I'm not diving of course, just a snorkel, but i'm hoping it'll all be worthwhile and especially cos it's at night and you get torches it makes it more exciting than you're typical dive on the reef :) here's a video of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRZczb96uDo

So what else has been happening? Oh i went out on Saturday night (it's only the second time i've been out since i came here as i was traumatised after last times backpacker mayhem). I ended up out with some work buddies which was fun and we went to the casino which was a lot more my cup of tea and no girls stripping for attention haha! Wee boogie and some beverages, and i'm sure i'll be doing the same again this Sat cos i'm off on Sunday woop woop!

I went to see Harry Potter when it came out last Thursday..it was great and i've decided to start reading the books from the beginning. The last film comes out the day after i get home so can't wait for that too and hopefully i'll have read them all by then!

Finally, i have also decided to start learning Spanish since i've always wanted to learn a third language and i have ALOT more time on my hands these days it's the perfect time i think ;) so i bought myself a wee dictionary and i'm starting from the very beginning.

I guess that's all for just now..hope everyone's getting all excited about Santa coming soon!?




Coral thing looks amazing. Rp is very jealous. Btw am doing this from my new iPod touch which my husband got me for out anniversary!!! X

  Auntie claire Nov 24, 2010 6:18 AM


Sex on the reef...that made me laugh when I looked at your other posts heading! At first I was like OMG Nadia don't post that on your blog lmao!! I feel so bad I've hardly had a chance to email you but gonna send you one before the end of the night cause you prob know its snowing here so I'm trapped in the flat and have time on my hands for once. Aw New Year will be cool - hang around with Calum. Can't believe he goes a week on Wed. Neway ul get my email v.soon, lub ya xxxxxxxxx

  Fiona Nov 30, 2010 7:38 AM



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