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crustyadventures Random travel thoughts from WorldNomad's Community Manager


There is [1] photo and [2] stories tagged with "conference".

Who'd have thunk it?

NORWAY | Tuesday, 5 Jun 2007 | Views [2658] | Comments [2]

Huh... who'd have thunk it? I'd find myself in Oslo presenting to a global eco-tourism conference, drawing on work experience but also travel tales near and far, to piece together an angle on a complex world. I met some great people and wonder if ... Read more >

Tags: conference, responsible tourism, weird and crazy

I'm in a Norsca commercial

NORWAY | Monday, 14 May 2007 | Views [2542] | Comments [1]

Oslo; first impressions. Green, calm and clean. It's so nice to have arrived at the Oslo airport which smelled of popcorn and looked like a stylish entrance to a sauna, all glass and wood and light. This was a contrast after the awful mayhem of ... Read more >

Tags: conference, oslo, the great outdoors

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