Damn! That malaria pill is still in my pocket. I must take it
sometime today. After all it cost me a small fortune to visit the GP
and buy all the tablets – they came in very unhelpful packs of 7… The
pharmacist presented me with about 11 little bottles to cover the 5-ish
weeks away + the extra 4 or so weeks I need to take them when I return.
ELEVEN bottles of pills – I really have no desire to look like a drug
dealer in SE asia. Thank god – with a bit of persuasion – they all
decanted into two tiny bottles.
A few days ago, I developed
some kind of exotic rash on my fingers. White, bumpy pinhead spots.
It’s only a little bit itchy, although I can make my hands feel like
they could ignite like a blow torch if I do too much with them and pump
the blood in vigourously (like stuffing things into my pack for half an
hour). It’s intriguing more than worrying. I took an antihistime and
will wait for it to pass.
These things are of no real
concern… thinking of coming off a motorbike at pace however is a
different matter. Let’s hope that our first aid kit which is bulging
with new supplies finds no real use…