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HONG KONG ( Trapped in a lift )

HONG KONG | Friday, 1 May 2009 | Views [570]

Hi all,

We got stuck in the hostel's lift yesterday which Lou thought was quite funny for the first 5 mins.I started pushing all the buttons again hoping that would help, Louisa said that wont do any good! We pushed the intercom button and a Chinese man said something which we didn't understand .. so we waited a bit longer still nothing, I then thought about something very important to me FOOD !! All i had was one Snickers bar and half packet of polo's ( i didnt tell Louisa, every man for himself in a time of crisis)we didnt know how long we were going to be trapped, I then pushed the button again and said "HELP the lift is stuck" and the same man came back on and said something else we didn't understand,for all we knew he could have said the building was on fire.  We thought the emergency services would have been called and a big crowd would have gathered by this time, When the doors did open for us eventually there was no one there at all it was as if it never happened !!! Did it really happen ??



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