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Trip: Asia/Europe

There are [16] stories from my trip: Asia/Europe


AUSTRALIA | Friday, 30 Aug 2013 | Views [435]

Our first point of call in Croatia was a place called Mostar. For those of you who watched Hamish and Andy European Adventures this is the place they jumped of the bridge in the river below a mere 20m drop. Mostar was an ancient settlement which was ... Read more >

Bulgaria - Serbia - Bosnia

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 30 Aug 2013 | Views [482]

Sofia Bulgaria - After leaving Turkey we caught a bus to Sofia where we got in around 5pm. We had a short guided tour of the city which i loved (the city not so much the tour). It was clean, relatively low populated and had a lot of attractive women.... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Friday, 30 Aug 2013 | Views [441]

Turkey – Gallipoli   Well crossing the border from Greece to Turkey was an experience, we all filed off the bus and lined up to get our visa stamp put into our passports. A few us got through before a few men who obviously couldn’... Read more >

Mykonos and Greece

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 3 Aug 2013 | Views [362]

SourceURL:file:///Cameron/Users/cameronstone/Desktop/Greece.doc   From Rome we caught an overnight ferry to Greece – well that was a sight to behold! After eventually getting on board the ferry we got to our small rooms to put our bags ... Read more >

Tuscany - Florence - Rome

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 23 Jul 2013 | Views [474]

Firenze: We caught another fast train to Florence from Milan and arrived in time for Andrew and Tara and a few others to head up to San Baronto in Lamporecchio. We arrived to have a few drinks and nibbles before we went and met Andrews sisters in-... Read more >

Verdon Gorge, Milan

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 20 Jul 2013 | Views [407]

Verdon Gorge After the tour we headed to the Verdon Gorge the largest gorge in the whole of Europe. The roads were very narrow, dropping off a couple of hundred meter on one side without and protective barriers preventing you from going over the edge.... Read more >

Le Tour de France

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 19 Jul 2013 | Views [375]

Driving on the opposite side of the road, on the opposite side of the car and changing gears with you non dominant hand was at first something you had to constantly think about but as time went on it was second nature. It did take a bit of time getting ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 16 Jul 2013 | Views [404]

Sunday night we flew back to Beijing from Shanghai and what a debarkle that was!!!. Our flight was delayed an hour already then we took off and landed in Beijing. We sat on the tarmac in Beijing for 2 hours before they let us off the plane due to torrential ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 11 Jul 2013 | Views [390]

3 hours late compliments of the China aviation system! What really pissed us off was not the fact we were delayed but they boarded us then told us we would be delayed unlike all the other airlines who didn’t board their passengers until they were ... Read more >

Xi'an - Terracotta Warriors

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 7 Jul 2013 | Views [443] | Comments [2]

My preconcieved thought of how China would be were finally confirmed in Xi'an. It was a hussle bustle town which old school chinese architecture and shops which Beijing didnt really offer being a newer city.  I had always thought of Xi'an as a small ... Read more >

Summer Palace and Lama Temple

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 7 Jul 2013 | Views [363]

On Tuesday El and i visited the renowend Summer Palace and Lama Temple in Beijing. After the nght previous escapades (torrential rain and lack of mandarin skills to order a cab) we were happy to be greeted by blue skies with not a cloud to be seen. We ... Read more >

The Great Wall of China

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 6 Jul 2013 | Views [318]

Early monday morning Wang picked us up and dropped us off at the same hutong we had spent the previous evening in. We decieded to hike (not walk) a part of the wall around 2 hours out of Beijing from Jingshaling to Simatie. We met up with our tour group ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 6 Jul 2013 | Views [355]

Firstly a shout out to my mate Glenn, here you go pal sorry for the delay.   My stereotypical thought of China especially Beijing was that everything would have a Chinese influence, the food, the building at just the general atmosphere of ... Read more >

The Journey

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 30 Jun 2013 | Views [336]

An interesting start to the day yesterday, having arrived at te airport in the morning with suffiecient time to acquire the customary McDonlds breakfast we made our way through customs to the gate where Elysa and i waited to board the plane. As i stood ... Read more >


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 20 May 2013 | Views [366]

Cam’s travel Itinerary:   China: June 29 th – Bejing July 3 rd – Xi’an July 4 th – Shanghai catch up with Tegan July 7 th – Beijing   France: July 8 th – Paris ... Read more >

Photos: Asia

CHINA | Monday, 20 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

See all 16 photos >>