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Volunteering in the DR

Taking off

USA | Thursday, 21 August 2008 | Views [432] | Comments [5]

Today we finished our second day of orientation. There is a group of 50 of us - a big class, and I am one of the oldest volunteers. More like the third oldest, but still kinda funny. Oh well. The oldest volunteer currently serving is 72, which is pretty cool. Imagine that?

Yesterday we had no power because of the storm, and so I had to climb 20 flights of stairs to the conference room. The stairs were all slippery and the room was SUPER humid and hot. We all were sweating pretty nasty. Nice first impression during our ice-breaker....sweaty faces and wet sweaty clothes. But I guess I should get used to it, because our homes and classroom training will have no air conditioning. YAY. Plus, I will have to wear long sleeves or sweaters that cover my arm tattoo...which totally sucks. But, it may just be that I have to feel out my community and let them know me before I uncover my arm. In the meantime, I will bake in my clothes.

Tomorrow we leave for the DR. I am excited, but not to start my vaccinations. NO fun at all. I hate needles (despite my tattoos - which is totally different!) On Friday we will meet our host families and that is making me a bit nervous. I hope they are pretty mellow and friendly. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.



Hi, Well your right your adventure as only just begun but it has begun for all of us as well, as you tell your day, we can only imagine and picture what you are experiencing. Well if you don't already do so, carry a samll/hand size flashlight at all times and i really mean all time. Well this sat Kelly and I will be meeting with Olena at her favorite restaurant, MG. Olena shared picture of her graduation, she looked so pretty and happpy. You could no longer see the stress anywear on her. So I spy, a tall glass of ice tea, can you guess who its for, rest of us have our tea. We will be waiting, same time. Lock (sorry if this post a 2nd time)

  Lydia Aug 22, 2008 2:38 AM


Hey Christy, glad to know you are well on your way. Remember to make sure you ask your host family to speak slowly because the language is super fast. Mucha Suerte Chica!

  Tapatio... Aug 22, 2008 3:39 AM


Yay! you are okay! I am so excited for you!!! I hope Fay is okay - I miss you terribly - life is not the same without you...:)

  Rehana Aug 22, 2008 4:54 AM


hi! hi! hi!

  lety Q Aug 22, 2008 7:31 AM


Hi Christy,

Wow, what the excitment! This sounds like the beginning of the adventures:)I am reading everything:)

Christy, I miss you soooooo much already:) Can't wait for the news from DR:)


  olena Aug 23, 2008 4:14 AM



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