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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: one girl's quest to see the world


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "munich".

Deutches Museum and off to Amsterdam

GERMANY | Sunday, 8 Jul 2007 | Views [332]

Spent the morning at the Deutsches Museum, the world's largest mueseum of science and technology. It was pretty awesome, even if only half of the exhibits had English translations. The aeronautical wing was amazing and I even sat through a Planetarium ... Read more >

Tags: germany, munich, rain storms

Dachau, plus street concerts

GERMANY | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Views [434]

Hey everybody! Things are lovely here... Went to Dachau this morning to visit the concentration camp and was thoroughly depressed for a good three hours but it was worth it. I remember going there senior year at Interlochen with Mr. McCall but all of ... Read more >

Tags: dachau, germany, munich

Munich is awesome!

GERMANY | Friday, 6 Jul 2007 | Views [647]

So I am off on my backpacking leg and already I am infinitely happier than I was at the dig. I am in Munich and have checked into my super cool hostel and have planned out the next three days. Going on a bike tour of the city tonight then back to the ... Read more >

Tags: being spontaneous, germany, munich

Well, I made it...

GERMANY | Thursday, 5 Jul 2007 | Views [278]

Well friends, I am here in Bavaria and it is cold. Cold and rainy and did I mention cold? I packed for light rain and maybe 65-75 degrees... and it is pouring rain and about 50 degrees.  I am the only native English speaker on the trip so that has been ... Read more >

Tags: germany, munich

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