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Dachau, plus street concerts

GERMANY | Saturday, 7 July 2007 | Views [435]

Hey everybody! Things are lovely here... Went to Dachau this morning to visit the concentration camp and was thoroughly depressed for a good three hours but it was worth it. I remember going there senior year at Interlochen with Mr. McCall but all of my pictures were erased by the airport security screeners so at least I should have some great photos this time. Looked through the exhibit but also just spent some quiet time at the memorial chapel and thought about a lot of stuff. Definitely nice to be away from the crowds for a bit and just think.

Then headed back into town and visited the Olympic Park... as you can imagine it wasn't much more than empty sports arenas et al, but it was still nice to see the area and take the side trip. Plus the weather finally started to cooperate and was sunny and nearly 70 I think. I may have even gotten some color (complete with sock tan...). Came back into the center of town in time to see the Glockenspiel (so overrated... but still pretty cool) at 5pm and then had an early dinner (as my first non-free-toast meal of the day) at the Hofbrauhaus with all of the traditional Bavarian food... and for the first time in my life I cleaned my plate even though I didn't love all of the food. I was just that hungry :-)

Read a bit in front of the huge fountain near the Marianplatz (picked up Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children from an English language bookstore) and then listened to a street string quartet play some Rossini and Vivaldi and Piazolla.

Now off to take a shower. More tomorrow!

Tags: dachau, germany, munich



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