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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: one girl's quest to see the world

Trip: Central America Summer 2008

There are [12] stories from my trip: Central America Summer 2008

A Change of Plans: Onward to Panama!

PANAMA | Thursday, 26 Jun 2008 | Views [629]

Hello dear readers! I write to you from the lovely island of Bocas del Toro just over the border in Panama. I wasn't planning on leaving Puerto Viejo quite so quickly, but a number of things combined to push me to leave this afternoon. First, there ... Read more >

Tags: being spontaneous, panama

Tortuguero, trail mix, and hammock hostels

COSTA RICA | Tuesday, 24 Jun 2008 | Views [723]

After a twelve hour bus ride from Leon to San Jose on Saturday (including the longest line I have ever seen to get through customs at the border) I slept, ate, showered, and left San Jose just ten hours later. I had heard amazing things about an island ... Read more >

Tags: costa rica, hostels, puerto viejo, tortuguero

Volcano Boarding, or: How to achieve full-body exfoliation

NICARAGUA | Friday, 20 Jun 2008 | Views [1580] | Comments [1]

Today I went volcano boarding down Cerro Negro, about 20 km outside of Leon, Nicaragua. This is sometimes referred to as "volcano surfing" but I think the more accurate term is "volcano sledding", since my entire group chose ... Read more >

Tags: adventure sports, leon, nicaragua, volcanoes

Heat, dance recitals, and earthquakes

NICARAGUA | Thursday, 19 Jun 2008 | Views [542]

I´ve been in Leon for two days now and can say, without hyperbole, that this is the hottest weather I have ever survived (and without air conditioning at that). It has been around 100 both days, with heat indices even higher, and UV indices at 10. Which ... Read more >

Tags: earthquakes, leon, nicaragua

Lesson Time

NICARAGUA | Wednesday, 18 Jun 2008 | Views [490]

I have learned many lessons on this trip, some of them more important than others.    For instance, I have always known that wearing sunscreen is of utmost importance when your skin has the natural hue of a ghost.    However, what I have learned ... Read more >

Tags: granada, life lessons, nicaragua

Against all odds, or: Why one should learn the language of the region in which she travles

NICARAGUA | Monday, 16 Jun 2008 | Views [698]

I wrote this yesterday, but it didn't seem to load properly so here is a second attempt to post it.  Today I made the trek from Playa Tamardino, in Costa Rica, to the colonial town of Granada, in Nicaragua. I booked my bus ticket from Liberia to Granada ... Read more >

Tags: life lessons, nicaragua

Tamarindo and the surfers at my hostel

COSTA RICA | Saturday, 14 Jun 2008 | Views [468]

I'm finishing up three days here at Playa Tamarindo, on the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect when I came here, given Lonely Planet's utter dismissal of this beach town, and after three hours on a sweltering ... Read more >

Tags: costa rica, hostels, tamarindo

Montezuma and Liberia

COSTA RICA | Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 | Views [775]

Sorry it´s been so long since I´ve posted! Monday morning bright and early Chris, Megan, and I began the bus-ferry-bus journey to get us to Montezuma, a sleepy little beach town in the Nicoya penninsula. The weather was lovely leaving Monteverde, and ... Read more >

Tags: costa rica, montezuma, travel friends

Monteverde and my penchant for injury

COSTA RICA | Sunday, 8 Jun 2008 | Views [664]

Hello once again, dear readers! Things have been lovely here in Monteverde though some drama has unfolded. But everything in its proper order.  Yesterday Chris, Megan, Adam, Tiera, and I went on a three-hour hike through the Santa Elena Reserves and ... Read more >

Tags: costa rica, im a klutz, montezuma

A low-key night at the Pension Santa Elena

COSTA RICA | Friday, 6 Jun 2008 | Views [426]

So we finished up at Arenal with great success: the morning at the waterfall in La Fortuna (definitely check out those pictures) and the evening at the volcano. It was cloudy but this time we went with a local guide named Mr. Lava Lava, highly recommended ... Read more >

Tags: costa rica, monteverde, travel friends

Arenal plus sun poisoning

COSTA RICA | Thursday, 5 Jun 2008 | Views [471]

Hello friends! I had a wonderful time rafting yesterday through the Pacuare river. My boat did capsize, but our guide later told us he did it on purpose because it was "fun". Actually, after surviving it, it was fun. But in the moment I was ... Read more >

Tags: arenal, costa rica, im a klutz

San Jose!

COSTA RICA | Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Views [395]

Hello dear readers!    I have made it to Costa Rica and am spending my second night in San Jose, the capital.    I spent this morning wandering around the city (looking like a tourist idiot with my backpack on my front given the rate of petty theft ... Read more >

Tags: costa rica, san jose