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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "singapore".

Sunset on SE Asia

THAILAND | Friday, 10 Jan 2014 | Views [1774]

Six months ago I arrived in Bangkok to a culture for which I had no yardstick, no previous point of reference and for which I was unprepared. Arriving in The Land of Smiles to find none, and in fact finding more a feeling of hostility towards 'just another ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, bali, cambodia, healing, journey, penang, singapore, thailand, travelling, vietnam

Hello Ubud, Bali !

INDONESIA | Friday, 11 Oct 2013 | Views [2376]

The last 24 hours have been a series of delayed events but all followed by a great result. Last night in Singapore I went to see the fountain and light show held every night at 8pm (there are some later performances too) at the Marina Bay Sands. You ... Read more >

Tags: bali, bliss bungalows, marina bay sands, singapore, ubud

Singapore & Kuala Lumpur

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 17 Aug 2013 | Views [1431]

Getting around Singapore couldn't be easier. My first trip entails a sight-seeing tour on an open top bus. It may the ultimate tourist option, but it's a great way to get your bearings. What better start than to make my first watering hole stop the iconic ... Read more >

Tags: air asia, backpacking, grasslands coaches, kuala lumpur, lcct, seri pacific hotel, singapore, super nice

Singapore Surprises

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 14 Aug 2013 | Views [1762]

It's quite staggering what you can pack into just under 700km2. How about 5.5m people, skyscrapers of all descriptions, parks, attractions and of course sufficient living space. Welcome to Singapore - island, city and state. A fusion of nationalities ... Read more >

Tags: asia, backpacking, capitalism, island. merlion, marina bay sands, pods, sentosa, singapore

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