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Brian and Davina's journeys

Trip: 09-10 World trip

There are [26] stories from my trip: 09-10 World trip

Photos: Ecuador

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 10 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Mexico, Cuba

CUBA | Wednesday, 10 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Mexico city, cuba

CUBA | Wednesday, 10 Mar 2010 | Views [892] | Comments [1]

We went off to Cuba via Mexico city- I night stay but packed a lot into it- visiting the wonderful cathedral in the city centre that is gradually sinking . Had dinner in an amazing restaurant in the old town – walls covered in tiles. Recommended by ... Read more >

Ecuador, Galapagos

ECUADOR | Monday, 1 Mar 2010 | Views [835]

Visited the Jesuit church in Quito- extraordinarily extravagant-never seen so much gold ornamentation. Galapagos- truly an extraordinary experience. We went on the Mary Anne booked through Galapex tours (PaulMcFarling is an English biologist living ... Read more >

Photos: Galapagos

ECUADOR | Sunday, 28 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 127 photos >>

South America

PERU | Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010 | Views [792] | Comments [2]

Arrive at hotel in Santiago (Holiday inn at airport)   to find that our travel agent despite my emailed request) had failed to reinstate our reservation ; and guess what – no room at the inn. BK however remains sanguine and then they manage to find ... Read more >

Photos: Up touring the globe

WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 16 photos >>

Photos: Peru

PERU | Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 66 photos >>

Photos: Tahiti and Easter Island

FRENCH POLYNESIA | Monday, 8 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Tahiti and Easter Island

FRENCH POLYNESIA | Monday, 8 Feb 2010 | Views [1813] | Comments [1]

Off to Tahiti- arrive in pouring rain and it hasn’t really stopped. Only staying one night in Papeete as not very beautiful, and plane arrived late at night. But do NOT stay in Tiare Tahiti- a total dump- neon lights, dirty yellow doors, filthy coffee.... Read more >

Singapore, Aus and NZ

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 25 Jan 2010 | Views [777] | Comments [1]

After quick visit to Kunzers (great to see some friends) now off to OZ-sadly without Kemble bear-but he is being very well looked after and spent the night cuddled up to Holly. Sorry for delay in posting but this is first time in many days that we have ... Read more >

Photos: Singapore,Aus,NZ

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 18 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 154 photos >>

Angkor Wat

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 13 Jan 2010 | Views [751] | Comments [1]

After a days site seeing in Bac Hao (amazing market-buffalo, pigs, dogs all for sale (dont like thinking about the fate of the poor dogs), we set off on overnight train back to hanoi. Arrived 4.30 am then on to airport for flight to Bankok and onto Siem ... Read more >

Photos: Angkor Wat

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 13 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 58 photos >>

Photos: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Friday, 8 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Bangkok, Vietnam

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 5 Jan 2010 | Views [611] | Comments [2]

Stayed in amazing hotel in Bangkok and had delicious dinner with Nye, Noy and family. Now in Hanoi and loving the food and shopping. Off to halong Bay tomorrow. Sadly Davina had her camera magically pickpocketed-taken out her camera bag whilst it was ... Read more >

Photos: Kerala, Goa

INDIA | Thursday, 24 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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INDIA | Thursday, 24 Dec 2009 | Views [1398] | Comments [2]

Finally reached Mumbai and our wonderful Gordon House Hotel. Dinner at our favourite restaurant Indigo (sensational food) and plenty of wine and good cheer. Bought Slum Dog millionaire and looking forward to some relaxation time. Down ... Read more >

Photos: Jaipur, Jodphur,Jaisalmir, Darjeeling, Sikkim

INDIA | Monday, 14 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Jaipur, Jodphur,Jaisalmir, darjeeling,Sikkim

INDIA | Monday, 14 Dec 2009 | Views [852] | Comments [3]

Off to Jaipur via Fatephar Sukri, an amazing deserted city built out of red sandstone. Jaipur above all famous for The Gem Palace- the ultimate jewellery store. Also famous for The Amber Palace-with its amazing mirrored hall. The emperor here, to keep ... Read more >

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