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Ben and Ange - On the Road

Australia here we co,,,,, already are

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 1 Jul 2022 | Views [115]

Just testing the changing over from the old to the new

Gallery: Cape Town

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 15 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Capping it all off in Cape-Town

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 15 Dec 2008 | Views [695] | Comments [1]

Having experienced the long haul 36hrs of flying from Perth to Buenos Aires (the long way round) on the way out... we got smart and maybe just a little lushy and decided to break it up with a wee stop over in Cape-Town on our homeward journey. Part ... Read more >

Gallery: Side trip to Uruguay

URUGUAY | Saturday, 6 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Buenos Aires locals

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 6 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Little Uruguay

URUGUAY | Saturday, 6 Dec 2008 | Views [662]

As our time in South America comes to a close we had one last little country to tick off our list. Uruguay. Thats right the country we beat to make it to the world cup. Hahaha. Not that i would rub it in or anything,, OK, maybe wearing my socceroos shirt ... Read more >

B.S in B.A

ARGENTINA | Monday, 1 Dec 2008 | Views [627] | Comments [2]

... Which as everyone knows is "Being Stationary in Buenos Aires". B.A (to us Porteños... ask Ben for explanation, I`ve temporarily forgotten) is a way cool city!  We liked it the first time we came through and since we`re flying out of here, ... Read more >

Iguazu and Iguaçu

BRAZIL | Saturday, 15 Nov 2008 | Views [755]

There`s these really big waterfalls right on the borders of Brasil, Paraguay and Argentina.  They`re called Iguazu or Iguaçu depending on whether you`re in Portugese speaking territory (Brasil, folks) or Spanish speaking lands - like Argentina, say.... Read more >

Gallery: Iguazu Falls

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Rio de Janeiro

BRAZIL | Saturday, 8 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Rio de Janeiro

BRAZIL | Thursday, 6 Nov 2008 | Views [1413]

I must admit i was a little bit tentative as we arrived in Rio. Ange`s past stories of getting mugged as well as the OTHER stories you hear and then of course there was that lovely heart warming film ¨City of God¨. The city did have a bit of a reputation.... Read more >

The B.O.A.T

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008 | Views [652]

The Backgammon On Amazon Tournament, that is!  The winner ~ in a demolishing kinda way... was me.  Backgammon tournaments, cards, beverages and hammock swinging is pretty much the pace of life on the Amazon.  After a series of buses and a rather ... Read more >

Gallery: Boat on the Amazon

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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BRAZIL | Wednesday, 22 Oct 2008 | Views [752] | Comments [1]

The camera is alive!! How? We´re not quite sure. Glad? Yes we are. Ok so after Angel falls we still could not get the camera to work. The tried and trusted approach of banging it on the side just wasn´t working, after that we were pretty stuffed ... Read more >

Angel Falls

VENEZUELA | Wednesday, 22 Oct 2008 | Views [1738]

After leaving lovely Colombia we were pretty much slapped in the face Venezuelan style right from the check point. A dodgy hole in the wall check point for our passport stamp amid a dusty, potholed road and having to pay 10 Bolivars each to avoid having ... Read more >

Gallery: Angel Falls

VENEZUELA | Wednesday, 22 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The Day the Camera Died

BRAZIL | Wednesday, 22 Oct 2008 | Views [618]

Ladies and Gentlemen. We´re gathered here today to say a sad farewell to our dear companion Mr Olympus Shockproof Waterproof. Accompanying us on every adventure from great altitudes (6088m above sea level - Bolivia) to the mysterious depths (6m ... Read more >

Gallery: Crack Coconut

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Crack Coconut

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 14 Oct 2008 | Views [814]

All things going to plan (which they rarely do and which is pretty tricky when there is no plan) we should be leaving wonderful Colombia tomorrow.  Headed in the general direction of Venezuela.  Sounds simple doesn`t it... but I have to say - tearing ... Read more >

Gallery: Lost City

COLOMBIA | Wednesday, 8 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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