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Ben and Ange - On the Road


ANTARCTICA | Friday, 29 Feb 2008 | Views [2226] | Comments [3]

A slight warning comes with this story and related photo albums.... LONG.  I`m sure you can imagine what a battle we`re having doing the whole Antarctic experience justice.  But here goes nothing.  DAY 1-3 Beagle Canal and Drakes Passage ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: The Drake

ANTARCTICA | Friday, 29 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

Crossing the infamous Drake passage
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Hiking Warm-Up

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 16 Feb 2008 | Views [789]

Figuring that we´re in Patagonia and that the BIG THING to do in Patagonia is hiking.... we thought we betta get some practice in!  Around here it´s all canals, lakes, mountains and forests.  I KNOW!  Ho-hum, I hear you say... :-)  I confess ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Hiking Warm-up

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 16 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Way down south!!

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008 | Views [671]

Hello again Well we have made it down to Ushuaia, right down the bottom end of South America and the southern most city in the world. First day that we arrived it was a max of 6 degrees which gave us the perfect excuse to rug up. Theres a certain ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Ushuaia

ARGENTINA | Monday, 11 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 7 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

Buenos Aires
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We're here!!!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [562]

Well, after some 30 odd hours of flying and seeing the insides of terminals around the world we are now in the lovely city of Buenos Aires. Already i can't imagine a better place to start. The city is fantastic. Such a vibrant and friendly city. Our ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Farewell Gig

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2008 | Views [623]

Well thanks to y'all that made it along to our Farewell doo.  The sun was well and truely up by the time we were out for the count and the cleanup operation is... well... slow. If there had been best costume prizes "Guido the Pimp" and ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Gallery: Farewell Party

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 17 photos >>

Creating a Blog!

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [821]

Ah yes - the wonders of modern technology!  And if only I could master it without at least one tanty! :-)  So ... Ben and I have less than a month til blast off!  Eeeeep!  "So much to do!" cries me!  "We've got a whole 3 weeks"... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

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