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avant-garde_chauvintist wandering through the garden of ideals


There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "On the Road".

A very anti-conservationist article

CHINA | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Views [1594] | Comments [1]

A question: what is the point of saving animals that are going extinct?  I know this sounds very chauvinist and not very avant-garde, but seriously...think about it.  We visited two areas of breeding captivity on our trip -- the Siberian Tigers in Harbin ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

About an hour left...

CHINA | Sunday, 17 Feb 2008 | Views [585]

of my eight and a half hour long train ride from Dali to Kunming, watching terraced gardens and mud walled houses, feeling completely content with my decision to stay up all night in order to sleep the whole train ride, I started to hallucinate. ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Yunnan Province

CHINA | Saturday, 16 Feb 2008 | Views [761]

After I visited Yunnan Province, I realized it is most foreigners favorite place to visit in China.   This information came from an informal poll that I inadvertantly conducted. Basically, when asked where I went on the Spring Festival vacation, my ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Mario is not hot-headed

CHINA | Thursday, 14 Feb 2008 | Views [530] | Comments [1]

Mario is opinionated. Mario is smart. Mario gets a kick out of arguing. But he is not hot-headed. After traveling with him for about a month and learning a lot about him in the last five that we've been living together in Beijing, I realized these ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Fighting the landlord

CHINA | Saturday, 9 Feb 2008 | Views [1119]

One of the nights we spent with You, we were debating about watching a movie or doing something with the potential of being equally unfulfilling when we discovered we had cards. There is a phenomenon in China of playing cards in the streets and leaving ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Spicey food and pandas

CHINA | Thursday, 7 Feb 2008 | Views [709] | Comments [1]

A little more planning went into the visit to Chengdu. We were aware of the relatively large size of this city. Mario sniffed out the best couch surfer to stay with for the new year. All I wanted for the Chinese New Year was to be in China. My ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Welcome to Heilongjiang -- the cool province and a ski paradise

CHINA | Saturday, 2 Feb 2008 | Views [950]

My trip around the China paradises began in the Russian winter. Harbin, renowned for its Ice Festival and ridiculous climate, is closer to Russia than Beijing. Closer to Russia than almost any other place in China. Basically close to the freezing ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Beer and skittles

CHINA | Monday, 21 Jan 2008 | Views [699]

Six hours out of Beijing, more enveloped by pollution, varying abilities of English (the sign outside a local bar had a huge sign screaming "BEER AND SKITTLES"; we laughed uncontrollably), and a whole new cultural experience. I've been ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

I'm approved!

CHINA | Thursday, 18 Oct 2007 | Views [1569]

I just got my first grin and nod of approval from someone who thought I could read Chinese.  I still can't, but that doesn't matter. As I was counting the stops to my apartment (16 if you were wondering), a Chinese man glanced up and noticed that I ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

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