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avant-garde_chauvintist wandering through the garden of ideals

One bad day

CHINA | Saturday, 13 October 2007 | Views [726] | Comments [2]

Today was pretty shitty. It started out ok. I got up and ate some eggs. I read a little (Siddhartha, which makes me want to learn German so I can read the original). Then I decided to venture into the cold. It's COLD here.

I waited for the bus. My ipod was dead, so I brought my book. It started raining while I was waiting.

It took the bus in excess of 30 minutes to get there. I was at the third stop, and the bus was already full because of the delay. I was going a long way, so I knew it would be a LONG journey.

I was the only person getting off at my stop, so I had to fight the 10 million people on the bus to get off saying, "Excuse me. Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!!!" the entire time. I only realized once I got off the bus that I know how to say it in Chinese.

I walked around. I was looking for a store to buy a sweatshirt that will fit me. I didn't find one. I did find the river, so I sat and read for awhile. I wasn't ready to get back on the bus.

It was too cold to sit by the water.

I got back on the bus and came home. I wished I had bought a new DVD when I got home.

A friend who lives outside Beijing was supposed to come to town tonight so we could go out. He never called.

Another party presented itself, but I didn't feel like it anymore.

I settled in to watch the one English channel when I got a text from one of my students.

"Hi, I'm Yan. The weather will became cold these days. Be care about it. Don't catch a cold. See you next week. Have a good time :)"

It made it all better.

Tags: People



i like reading your journal. even though it is just me and your mom. i like it. but talking to you on AIM is better. come home little dove. come home.

  gabe Oct 14, 2007 3:16 AM


Nicely written. Bad days really suck. But the good days can pop out of nowhere ... good luck.

  simon_monk Oct 14, 2007 5:36 AM



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