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Trip: China

There are [16] stories from my trip: China

What a weekend!

PAKISTAN | Tuesday, 3 Aug 2010 | Views [771]

I was in Lahore and Khanewal (two cities north of Karachi) to meet our new inlaws, and to absorb a new city and the countryside. I am writing about Monday (yesterday) first, will post something about our adventures on Sunday in a bit.. This is what ... Read more >

Tags: chicken, karachi, khanewal, mqm, multan arport, wedding

Photos: The wedding reception

PAKISTAN | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: The Mehndi

PAKISTAN | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: The Nikka

PAKISTAN | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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The wedding reception

PAKISTAN | Monday, 26 Jul 2010 | Views [909] | Comments [1]

We went to the wedding reception at 9pm. By now, we are pretty good at the whole being pretty and hair and make-up and jewelery thing. So four pretty sisters and (total) 7 pretty cousins showed up at the reception (including the bride..). The bride ... Read more >

Tags: bargaining, princess, shoe, wedding reception

The Mehndi

PAKISTAN | Sunday, 25 Jul 2010 | Views [859]

That is the party. The bride and groom are married, and now the families come together, merge. Elaborate decorations. Flowers, hung up on strings. A dance floor. And a  stage for the bride and groom. We waited quite a bit. The festivities were supposed ... Read more >

Tags: family, friends, joining of families, mehndi, party

The Nikka

PAKISTAN | Sunday, 25 Jul 2010 | Views [2040]

I don´t know much about this, but bear with me: The Nikka is the legal and religious binding part during the marriage and the first real event. Man and woman say yes to each other, say yes in front of god, and sign their marriage contract. And when ... Read more >

Tags: mehndi, nikka, wedding

Wedding Part1

PAKISTAN | Saturday, 24 Jul 2010 | Views [681]

I am here. Reached as planned, on a 10h flight from Hongkong. Family, sisters, finally. The lights are lit outside, sparkling, making the garden look festive. We have been preparing for the wedding by making everything and ourselves eveeryy ... Read more >

Tags: henna, mehndi, wedding

Massage included!

HONG KONG | Wednesday, 21 Jul 2010 | Views [15606]

My friends, I am leaving in a few hours. Whe n I reached Kowloon district of Hongkong yesterday by bus I was immediately reminded of Delhi, or another busy Indian city. Only this is much more international. People from all over the world, discussing ... Read more >

Tags: chung mansion, kowloon, massage

Its so inconvenient - Why do I travel?

HONG KONG | Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010 | Views [791]

My  new Chinese friend Slim wanted to know why I travel. I was surprised by this question - I thought everyone wanted to travel! I mumbles something about  seeing people and world...He said it was so inconvenient...! Hm.Later,  wrote this in my journal:... Read more >

Tags: inconvenience, kowloon, reason for traveling, traveling

Photos: Yongding

CHINA | Monday, 19 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 8 photos >>

Last day in China

CHINA | Monday, 19 Jul 2010 | Views [603] | Comments [1]

Goodbye strange, wonderful, normal, loud, soft, patient country. I have been your guest for only a few days. It has changed. My perception, that is. The tongue does not sound as foreign, I have somewhat gotten used to the noises of the city. Know which ... Read more >

Tags: bye china, last day, tolou, yongding

Everything out of Nothing. Nothing out of Everything.

CHINA | Sunday, 18 Jul 2010 | Views [627]

Or: how making no plans leads to beauty. ****CHECK OUT THE PICKS IN THE GALLERY***(Xiamen & Gulang Yu)**** This morning, for some reason I decided to look for an internet cafe. Don't know why I didn't want to use the internet here in the hotel.... Read more >

Tags: gulang yu, life without plan, observations, wisdom, xiamen

I'm with Slim

CHINA | Sunday, 18 Jul 2010 | Views [570]

Hi guys! SO much has happened, but I will tell you where I am right now: I am sitting in front of the comuter in a flat Slim works for to sell tea. Chinese tea. He made me some tea, and we talked about cultures and differences. He's 24. He wanted to ... Read more >

Tags: hotel, new friend, xiamen

A flight, rain, a peak and back

HONG KONG | Friday, 16 Jul 2010 | Views [666]

I have not eaten anything substantial. Ask me why and - depending on who you are - I will answer somethong like: "Didn't see anything vegetarian" (its true!)", "didn't feel like it" (that could be true, too. Its hot and my sigestion ... Read more >

Tags: first day, hong kong, tai chi

It's started

CHINA | Friday, 16 Jul 2010 | Views [427]

Hi,just tosay hi and that I am safe。 Reached safely, tired:) Love