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We must go.... ...live to feed the hungry, stand beside the broken.

Just setting up

USA | Thursday, 3 May 2007 | Views [426] | Comments [1]

Well guys, i think this is the site that i will be updating on this summer. I will be doing the facebook/myspace thing occassionally, but i wanted to set up something specific to my travels this summer! Just to kinda let you know how the site works, on the right, there is a link to "photo galleries"-obviously all i have on there right now are stupid pictures that i took on my computer....but that's where future awesomeness will be displayed through the art of photography! yay. Also-at the bottom of every entry, there will be a place for you to comment. If you would rather comment privately, my email is hiskid878@netscape.net....email me sometime during the summer and let me know if i can be praying for you! (Whoever YOU are...) Enjoy! Thank you for your prayers..

Tags: The Planning Phase



Hiya, There is also a World Nomads group on facebook that you can join, that has many other people from this website.


Happy blogging & travelling!

  simon_monk Jul 13, 2007 12:01 PM



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