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Entering Ireland

IRELAND | Saturday, 22 September 2007 | Views [801] | Comments [7]

Ok, well soon we will be exiting Ireland, but it had a certain ring to it that sounded lovely…and truly that is what Ireland is…absolutely beautiful.  I may repeat stuff from Andrew’s earlier blog, but bear with me.  I don’t feel like re-reading his just now.  Yesterday we went to the County of Donegal, the township of Letterkenny.  There we  met up with Margaret Friel, a friend that Annie and I stayed with when we were last in Donegal.  We woke up at 5:30 and caught the 6:15 bus to Donegal, it was a four hour bus stop, which Andrew and I for the most part slept through when it was dark, but when the sun came up, it was necessary to stop resting, because it is so beautiful.  The green is not just green, but jade, and crayola green and wasabi green and all the colors you can imagine all rolled into one.  We arrived at Donegal and called Margaret.  We were a bit confused, b/c we were certain that it was Thursday, so we had a tough time buying the tickets that morning, b/c they would only sell us Friday tickets, after finally determining that it was indeed Friday we were simply relieved that the world wasn’t crazy.  Anyhow, Margaret told us to come up the main street and turn on Church lane.  I suppose she never knew how terrible my directions were, but thankfully after asking only a few people we were able to find the “Main Street.”  We met Margaret at a bakery called Bakersville, and happily sat down to a breakfast of Coffee and Scones for me, and Sausage Rolls and water for Andrew.  We chatted for an hour over breakfast before going back to Margaret’s house, (a house which has been in her family since 1920) and then Margaret offered to drive us to Fanad Head, which is on the northern border of Ireland.  It is a beautiful mixture of sheep, the Atlantic Ocean, lighthouses and pubs.  When Annie and I came to Ireland a few years ago, Annie tried to pet the sheep, it was no surprise when Andrew tried the same thing, but the sheep were having none of it.  Later we had a nice lunch in a pub where Andrew had his third hamburger since arriving, and I had soup and ate his fries.  Margaret has a wonderful Scottish/Irish accent, and a thorough knowledge of Irish history so she makes for an excellent conversational companion.  She’s also a quick driver, and since the Irish drive on the left side of the road, I let Andrew ride up front.  If you have never been in a car driving from the left side, you can’t imagine how surprising it is to be a passenger on the left side of the car.  It’s really a weird feeling where you feel as though you are going to crash at any moment, and I wanted Andrew to get the best of the experience. 

Anyway, we met the evening bus at 5:45 and hopped on and arrived in Dublin at 10:00.  We had dinner and watched scrubs until it was time for bed.


Tags: Adventures




Andrew should have never cut his curls.
The sheep would have adored him.

Alex I love your descriptive writing. If Andrew had been describing the greens I am afraid he would have said things like... duck crap green, squashed bug green, baby pooh green, mucus-ish green. So I liked your approach.

  Rrrricardo Sep 23, 2007 11:03 PM


Now that's what I'm talking about, it felt like we are right there with you. Ok so in Andrew's attempts to pet the sheep did he maybe step in some sheep-poo green? I'm glad you knew someone and want a report of all you learned of Ireland when you get back, hope your filling up a journal with all the smallest of tidbits. Andrew I thought you were going the veggie way of life and getting healthy, now I'm sorry I didn't take out the life insurance. You two need to quit watching american tv and tune into the local stations so you can saturate yourselves in the culture instead of the grease from the bad food groups. I will say I am proud to not be reading about sweets though. Even if you guys are not eating them you can tell us what there is and let us know about the foods. And the big thing I want to know is about the weather. Is it hot, cold, what? Some day I might go in your footsteps and I want to bring the right clothing. Am very happy to hear you guys are having a wonderful time. love you miss you mom

  mardi Sep 24, 2007 1:51 AM


I forgot, post some pictures. I want to see all the shades of green, and I really want to see Andrew with the sheep. Did your stay in your hostel remain as great as it did at the start? You do know we really are living day in and day out through you two so you must let us have all the in's and outs. mom

  mardi Sep 24, 2007 1:57 AM


This just in...

My spy network has determined that the two of them are at the Guiness factory sipping dark liquids.
I can't really afford spies so I am having them spy on each other and report back to me.

Alex claims she fully intends to take advantage of Andrew if he drinks enough Guinness. Isn't that how this whole thing got started?

Alex played a GREAT trick on us this morning calling and using the name of a person who constantly bothers me. Or maybe she wasn't playing a trick. Maybe she has just changed her name yet again.

Basically this is what I learned. Alex/Shannon (or Alanon) has a real knack for dialect and does a really good Irish brogue. Andrew does a really good slurring mumbling drunk Irish Boomhower imitation. They seem happy as two kids on a seven month honeymoon.

  Rrrricardo Sep 24, 2007 5:47 AM


Wait... so you're implying... the left side of the road is INCORRECT? Huh. That explains a lot.

Man, I am so glad that the sheep rejected Andrew's affections just as they did mine. Whenever I'm rejected by animals, children, or crazies, I think something's wrong with my soul and they see it. So imagine how I felt when a whole herd of sheep stampeded down the beach, willing to risk drowning rather than endure my adoring pets. The fact that they rejected Andrew means my soul is clean. Oh wait. No. It means Andrew's soul is blighted, too. Well, just as good. It's all on a curve; if my friends are messed up and I'm messed up, then really we're all fine. Shew.

  Annie Sep 25, 2007 4:52 AM


By the way, Rrrricardo, the thing about Andrew and Alex spying on each other: Hilarious. The thing about Andrew's sheep curls: Even better. Overall, awesome.

  Annie Sep 25, 2007 5:01 AM


well as far as the sheep thing goes, it is my understanding that there are some local sheep here in Texas that have some relatives in Ireland and it is extremely posible that Andrews reputation with the sheep here in Texas preceeded him to Ireland, hence the Irish sheep's response to Andrew's advances. also Now that you are in France just be sure and tell all the people and sheep you meet, that quote "those Irish sheep are lying little hair balls."
love dad

  luther parker Hinesly Sep 27, 2007 4:09 AM



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