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Things We Learned In Turkey

TURKEY | Monday, 21 January 2008 | Views [1608] | Comments [2]

You’ve waited long enough…Here’s your Last Thoughts on Turkey:


  1. Hande pie is not just a dessert, it’s a way of life….it can not be duplicated.
  2. Celery roots are edible…who knew?
  3. Small dogs are cuter (and quieter) when Collette is home
  4. Christmas only comes once a year…so you need to invite Annie
  5. If you ask Annie to bring everything you’ve missed for the last 3 ½ months, be prepared to carry her bags back to the apartment
  6. You can buy and drink ½ a liter of wine for 1 Euro in Italy, you can buy and drink a liter of wine for 2 Euros in France, you can buy and drink a six pack of beer in Portugal for 2 Euros, but in Turkey the bottle of wine will cost you 3 YTL, and will be completely undrinkable.  So opt for Cherry Soda instead.
  7. The Hello Kitty in the market they are selling for 50 cents isn’t real. 
  8. Collette may think she is an American, but her driving suggests that somewhere in the family tree there was a Turk. 
  9. Starbucks is worth every Lira (and there are seven of them). 
  10. The best seat on the ferry is right next to the café, where you can catch the chai guy’s eye.
  11. Simits…worth every kurus (and there are 50 of them). 
  12. If you’ve ever wanted to know what its like to live in a cave…you can stay in a cave hotel in Cappadocia…they throw in the authentic cold water for free.
  13. Every carpet seller you meet will ask you where you are from….then they will tell you they know someone in California. 
  14. Don’t take the free tea that is offered in the shops…the extra bathroom visits cost 50 cents.
  15. We use to think that the person who decided to operate parking lots was a genius…a 5*10 piece of concrete for 15 dollars a day…no, the Turkish bathroom people are smart, a hole in the ground for 50 cents a pee…paper is extra. 
  16. If carpet salesman start bragging about their world travels and insist you need visas for certain countries, don’t immediately assume they are full of crap.
  17. The Indian consulate will give you a visa…but only you.
  18. If the anti-DVD-piracy people ever raided Hande and Collette’s apartment…we’re just saying.
  19. If you plan a visit to Turkey, you should plan to stay with Hande and Collette.
  20. Bay means man, and Bayan means women…asking a police officer for Bay and Bayan could get you arrested.  If you want to know where the bathroom is, ask for Tuvalet. 

Tags: Philosophy of travel



Okay this is a day that you have posted TWICE in one day breaking all previous records and sending me into shock. I can barely recover enough to comment but I will struggle on because ...well I beat Mardi yet again.

Free tea - but pay to pee?
Brilliant business scheme!!!!
I hope Trump doesn't find out about this.

I was just wondering yesterday if there would ever be a good camel story in all of your experiences. I think once you have done that it is going to be very hard to keep you entertained when you get home. HOWEVER it should cut back on your comments about my dog needing a bath.

I have been thinking it over.
And I think I know what your problem is.
(Alex my beloved liberal will report me to the ACLU, Obama and Hillary for saying this but)
I think...just based on what I am hearing...you guys are hanging around with too many foreign types.

  Richard Jan 22, 2008 2:46 AM


this information is priceless and that is what you can expect to get paid for it. holes to use and extra charge for tolitpaper. you can do it for free and be part of the eviromentalist group at the same time. use the cups from starbucks and a napkin and bam instant bathroom and then think what a good price that cup of coffee really is. when would you eat celery roots? and why? even if annie did not bring Christmas you should carry her bags otherwise she misses seeing everything cause she is so short. and in truth i don't care how much the wine or beer cost i would always go for the soft drink, i keep telling you nasty feet have met those grapes so if you think about it you are sucking on someones NASTY FEET!!!! the best place on the ferry is the very front seat so you can see if your going to hit anything and jump first. my kids will tell you they felt like they lived in a cave all their lives because it was so cold and dark and believe me we threw in the cold water for free also. and did you mention pirated dvd's well don't mention shannon's name on that one, i'm just saying! and not but last or least don't ever as a cop for directions, you really don't know what your asking and you could wind up in jail for telling them to stick it up or why did your mommy dress you funny. love to yu both mom

  mardi Jan 30, 2008 4:00 AM



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