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Olivers Travels A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...

Trip: Southern Skies

There are [5] stories from my trip: Southern Skies

Sessriem, Cape Town & Hermanous

SOUTH AFRICA | Friday, 28 Sep 2007 | Views [982]

16.9.07: - Ok a lot to update you guys on. As you know from the Itinerary we left the comfort of our lodge in Swakopmund on 16.9.07.   We set up camp in Sessriem within the Namib Naukluft National Park.   Once we set up camp we headed to the pool, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Waterburg, Etosha & Swakopmund

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 15 Sep 2007 | Views [655] | Comments [4]

11.9.07: - Well after our little stop in windhoek, Robson drove us onto Waterburg Plateau.  This is kind of like Table Top Mountain in Cape Town but a lot bigger.  We set up camp in the well equipt site & sat down with the rest of our group watching ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Botswana - Namibia

NAMIBIA | Tuesday, 11 Sep 2007 | Views [547]

Wow its been nearly a week scince i updated this site . We have so much to tell you all. Let me go back to last week when we were in Maun (last web update). On our journey to maun we were able to get a glimpse of giraffe's along the side of the road, ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Zimbabwe to Botswana

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 6 Sep 2007 | Views [506] | Comments [2]

Travelled from zimbabwe to Botswana on 5.9.07 journey was short at only an 1hr.  A group of elephants crossed the road on route, 1st climpse of such a majestic animal (More to come later).  Changed up some money into Palu (Botswana currency), so that ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Victoria falls

ZIMBABWE | Tuesday, 4 Sep 2007 | Views [424]

Arrived Safely in Zimbabwe.  Vic Falls rest camp is v basic but feel safe at night. Ventured to vic falls yesterday & it was amazing.  Sat down for a while on our own to take in the natural wonder.  As everyone knows this was one of my dreams &... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors