Tuesday, June 3. We woke up in Spain. Everyone was glad to be here! We gt off the train and tried to find Kabul Hostel. i had been reccommended that highly by some other travelers. . . well, we didn´t find it. So, we ended up in the Hostel Europa. Great location, but the rooms are not much to write home about and shower is down the hall. We have 4 rooms and so it is interesting. . . Probably close to the 2 ducks, maybe even a little worse, but we are all in rooms with just each other and it is just for 1 night. We are right off the Ramblas and by a metro station so that is nice!
We got checked in and then put on bathing suits. . . yes, the nice new ones, and headed out. We went to eat lunch, wandered through the city twoards the beach and then enjoyed a few hours at the beach and the Mediterranian Sea. It was pretty cool. There were a lot of Indians selling henna tattoos, messages, and beer. Or also aparently dope. I could not get over how many "beer" guys also offered us hash. We quit keeping count after the 50th person solicited us!
It started raining so we left the beach and stopped for food again and then it was off to the FCBarcelona. It was pretty impressive!!! We toured the museum and the stadium. The stadium holds 98,000 and was HUGE. We all agreed it was pretty cool and then enjoyed shopping in the megastore afterwards. After that we have taken the metro back to our hostel and the boys are showering while i update this. I have last shower. Tonight we are going out for Lane´s Birthday part 2. Thanks to Leslie and Joel for treating us to dinner!!! Everyone is really excited and discussing what desserts they may order!!
Tomorrow we plan on going to this park here and of course Sangria Familia. Then probably to the beac again. We leave tomorrow night at 19:30 for an overnight to Paris. No one can believe how quickly the days are flying buy! What an awesome trip.
Okay, I have to go and get in the shower so we can go eat. it is 20:17 here so dinner will be on Spanish time! Hopefully I can find an internet with USB tomorrow maybe or in Paris.
Bueno Noches!